Friday, January 4, 2013

Fear is not of God!

Oh my goodness, this feels so surreal! This is my last year here at BYU-Idaho and I couldn't be more excited about it! I have to tell about an experience I had last night! My family has a tradition before school starts where my Dad gives us a Priesthood blessing. As my Dad was giving me the blessing, I remember thinking that it wasn't my earthly father who was giving me the blessing, but my Heavenly Father. It was a powerful feeling to hear my Heavenly Father speak to me! As my Dad spoke, I heard him say that I need to have "an open mind and an open heart to new opportunities". Already I've had a few, and I haven't even been here for an entire day!!

After my Dad gave me the blessing I went down stairs to get ready for bed (Dad and I had to get up early enough so that we could leave our home by 3:30am). As I knelt down to say my prayers I felt an immediate sadness wash over me accompanied by fear. As I continued to pray a thought came into my mind: "Fear does not come from God!" As soon as I had that though I realized that Satan was trying to deter me from what I was meant to do! I have an important work to do here in Rexburg this year and I cannot let Satan get the best of me! I slept much better with that assurance that God is with me and within me and that I have no reason to fear!

I woke up this morning at 2:30am and got ready to come back up. It was really kind of funny how I was so awake when I first got up. Then, as Dad and I drove to Rexburg, I got more and more tired! It was horrible! By the time I got here I was exhausted and I just wanted to fall asleep. It was -8 degrees outside when I arrived and I stood in line for a few minutes to get my room number. After that, Dad and I moved all of my stuff into my apartment and then he took me grocery shopping. I quickly came home after and put my stuff away, when I found out that I actually needed to switch rooms so that two girls that had come together could be in the same room. I switched and then had Dad run me over to the Snow building (Music building) for my 9:00 meeting. I was in meetings from 9:00-12:00 today and then I helped with the choir auditions! It was excellent--tiring, but excellent!! I got to see several friends from the past, including my friend Helen who just got back from her mission!! I was warming up and getting ready for a voice check (that didn't end up happening today) when the door opened and she poked her head in! I was ecstatic to see her!! We were screaming and jumping up and down in my practice room! I've really missed her and I'm excited to have her back!!!

A little while later in the day I had the opportunity to speak to Brother Kempton! It was a really good talk! We just talked about the Fall, what my schedule is like this semester, and things like that. I got really excited as I was talking to him because I told him about my niece!! Stephen and Nini are expecting little Scarlett Maureen on May 30th!! I told him about it and I got really excited and I couldn't stop smiling! It was fabulous!!! Brother Kempton is such a great teacher! There are times when I'm still intimidated by him, but he is awesome! I look forward to working with him again!

At about 5:00 I left and came back to my apartment and started to unpack everything. It's now 7:50 and I'm proud to say that EVERYTHING is unpacked!!! Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, EVERYTHING!! I'm grateful it didn't take me too long. I can feel my head bob every now and then due to excessive tiredness! That's okay! Tomorrow morning consists of going to the gym, voice check at 11:10, helping with auditions, getting books, ready from said books, and relaxing!! I'm very excited about this semester!!! Here's to a new year and new adventures!! Ciao!!!

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