Monday, January 21, 2013

Ridiculously Monday!!

Wow, what a day! So, it's been a three-day weekend and it was fantastic! I got to know my roommates a little better and we just had fun! Most of the weekend I practiced, hung-out, and did homework. Today, however, I had several moments where I thought "This is ridiculously Monday!" This morning I went to the gym at about 8:00 am and I stayed until 9:15am. It must have been Music Major work-out day or something because I saw three of my instructors and one of my best friends: Helen, Brother Andrew Peck, Brother Kerr, and Brother Ashton. It was kind of weird to see them in the gym, sweating instead of in the Snow building looking sharp and clean.

After my work-out I went home to take a shower and I found that toilet was clogged. So, before I showered, I tried unclogging the toilet. When I tried to do so, it spit up water all over the bathroom floor! Fortunately I was able to turn off the water before it could get too bad; but the floor was covered with gross water. We put in a service request and the man was nice and came and fixed it! I cleaned up the water and then went to go practice.

As I was at the Snow building I had an AWESOME practice! I felt very open and free and . . . well, cool! After I practiced I did some things for my calling and then headed home. Then, I just kind of relaxed a little bit until my roommates and I decided that we were going to go to the store. I went to Broulim's and they went to Walmart (I just really wanted to walk). I got some things for crepes tonight--we hope--and then some other things just so I could achieve my fitness goals this week! I got home before my roommates and I started putting stuff away. While I was arranging my cupboard my cream of tartar fell out and landed on a glass dish (like the 9x13). It shattered; and no, not the cream of tartar! The dish was CRAZY broken!! It looked kind of cool, but I know it wasn't good!! I immediately felt guilt and a little bit of sadness. As soon as some of my roommates got home I asked them whose it was . . . turns out, we don't know whose it is! They think it was left from last semester! Ha ha, it was ridiculous! So, it was just another Manic Monday!! This day has just proved to me how important it is to laugh your way through life! Keep laughing and smiling . . . you'll live longer! And if you don't live longer, at least you'll enjoy your journey more. :D

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