Monday, January 21, 2013

Ridiculously Monday!!

Wow, what a day! So, it's been a three-day weekend and it was fantastic! I got to know my roommates a little better and we just had fun! Most of the weekend I practiced, hung-out, and did homework. Today, however, I had several moments where I thought "This is ridiculously Monday!" This morning I went to the gym at about 8:00 am and I stayed until 9:15am. It must have been Music Major work-out day or something because I saw three of my instructors and one of my best friends: Helen, Brother Andrew Peck, Brother Kerr, and Brother Ashton. It was kind of weird to see them in the gym, sweating instead of in the Snow building looking sharp and clean.

After my work-out I went home to take a shower and I found that toilet was clogged. So, before I showered, I tried unclogging the toilet. When I tried to do so, it spit up water all over the bathroom floor! Fortunately I was able to turn off the water before it could get too bad; but the floor was covered with gross water. We put in a service request and the man was nice and came and fixed it! I cleaned up the water and then went to go practice.

As I was at the Snow building I had an AWESOME practice! I felt very open and free and . . . well, cool! After I practiced I did some things for my calling and then headed home. Then, I just kind of relaxed a little bit until my roommates and I decided that we were going to go to the store. I went to Broulim's and they went to Walmart (I just really wanted to walk). I got some things for crepes tonight--we hope--and then some other things just so I could achieve my fitness goals this week! I got home before my roommates and I started putting stuff away. While I was arranging my cupboard my cream of tartar fell out and landed on a glass dish (like the 9x13). It shattered; and no, not the cream of tartar! The dish was CRAZY broken!! It looked kind of cool, but I know it wasn't good!! I immediately felt guilt and a little bit of sadness. As soon as some of my roommates got home I asked them whose it was . . . turns out, we don't know whose it is! They think it was left from last semester! Ha ha, it was ridiculous! So, it was just another Manic Monday!! This day has just proved to me how important it is to laugh your way through life! Keep laughing and smiling . . . you'll live longer! And if you don't live longer, at least you'll enjoy your journey more. :D

Friday, January 18, 2013


So, I just got back from a BYU Vocal Point Concert and I've got to tell you that it was such a spiritual experience! You wouldn't think it would be with all of the music that they did, but it truly made me think about the changes that are going on in my life and just how truly grateful I am for my Heavenly Father and Mother, but also my earthly Father and Mother. One of the most touching songs that was performed was Danny Boy. Most people know that song, but one of the members of Vocal Point wrote a third verse that completely changed the meaning of that song! Danny Boy is normally about a lover writer a man who has left her. Instead, they portrayed it as a Father who is saying good-bye to his son. When I performed it for my vocal jury, Brother Peck thought that it would be an interesting twist if I performed it like I was the mother of the young man who left. The last verse goes like this:

"O Danny Boy, the stream flows cool and slowly;
And pipes still call and echo 'cross the glen.
Your broke mother sighs and feels so lowly,
For you have not returned to smile again.
So if you've died and crossed the stream before us,
We pray that angels met you on the shore;
And you'll look down, and gently you'll implore us
To live so we may see your smiling face once more."

WOW! I felt a greater appreciation for my Mother and Father and the constant love and support that they give me.

Another piece they sang was called Noyana/Come, Come Ye Saints. The word "noyana" is African for "are you going to get there?" What a powerful invitation, to come to Christ and then being asked if I'm going to get there. I loved it! There's such a powerful spirit when there is testimony associated with it! I think that's what I love about music so much; I find testimony of Christ in every song that I sing, listen to, and so forth. God is real! God is true! I know that He loves me and has given me such wonderful experiences--even if some of them are hard--so that I can become all that I can and should be! I love Him dearly!!! He's been such a rock in my life!

So now, I extend the invitation to all who are reading this: Come, come ye saints; noyana?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Lord's Hand is in It

Week one . . . DONE!! I'm so excited for this upcoming semester! My life isn't nearly as crazy as it has been in the past (which I think is good). I've had time to talk to people and to help them! It has been amazing! One of the biggest reasons I have time on my hands is because I have an extra five (plus) hours a week to do what I want! It's excellent! I didn't make the Collegiate Singers this semester, and that's what I want to write about now.

I made call-backs and I was feeling a little excited about it! I had the opportunity to go to Africa and I love to travel, so this was exciting for me! I got some of the music for the call-back the day before and that made me a little apprehensive. But, nonetheless, I got together with some people that same day (Sunday) and we worked on it for a few hours! By Monday, I was feeling pretty good about it all! I had  the music memorized (for the most part) and I was getting the notes! Call-backs were AWESOME! I felt so good about it! Brother Kempton put us into octets and had us sing some of the songs. I got to sing twice, which made me really excited (I felt that I sang the easier one first, and then the second time I got to sing I got to do the hard one)! I felt that I did really well!

Then we sang in our sections (I was called back as an Alto II). Brother Kempton didn't take very long with any of the sections, except for mine! I, again, wasn't feeling bad about my voice or anything (and I don't think I had a right to feel bad about my voice). Yet, after he finished with our section I had the impression "Sarah, you aren't going to be in Collegiate this semester and it's okay. I have something better in store for you." It was incredible! I felt peace about not making Collegiate (and the list hadn't even been posted yet).

Well, later that night, Brother Kempton posted the results and my friend--Logan Hendricks--went and looked at it with me. Sure enough, my name wasn't on the list. I felt relief, love, and peace! It stunned me because, in all honesty, I thought I would have been devastated about not making it. Nope! However, it wasn't until two days later that I really found out why! My sister, Deborah, received her mission call to Korea Daejon Mission and she reports to the MTC on April 17. Guess where I would have been if I had made Collegiate during that time . . . Africa! I wouldn't have been able to spend time with my sister before she left.

I know that the Lord's hand is in it and that He has something better in store for me! I know that the Lord directed Brother Kempton because I didn't tell him about my sister leaving. God is amazing and I love Him so much! Who'd have ever thought that I would be happy with that? I know I didn't think I was going to be, but I am! It has been really cool being here in Rexburg and continually feeling the Lord's hand in my life! I'm grateful for the chance that I have to see my sister off when she leaves in April! I'm so proud of her and I love her very much! :D

Friday, January 4, 2013

Fear is not of God!

Oh my goodness, this feels so surreal! This is my last year here at BYU-Idaho and I couldn't be more excited about it! I have to tell about an experience I had last night! My family has a tradition before school starts where my Dad gives us a Priesthood blessing. As my Dad was giving me the blessing, I remember thinking that it wasn't my earthly father who was giving me the blessing, but my Heavenly Father. It was a powerful feeling to hear my Heavenly Father speak to me! As my Dad spoke, I heard him say that I need to have "an open mind and an open heart to new opportunities". Already I've had a few, and I haven't even been here for an entire day!!

After my Dad gave me the blessing I went down stairs to get ready for bed (Dad and I had to get up early enough so that we could leave our home by 3:30am). As I knelt down to say my prayers I felt an immediate sadness wash over me accompanied by fear. As I continued to pray a thought came into my mind: "Fear does not come from God!" As soon as I had that though I realized that Satan was trying to deter me from what I was meant to do! I have an important work to do here in Rexburg this year and I cannot let Satan get the best of me! I slept much better with that assurance that God is with me and within me and that I have no reason to fear!

I woke up this morning at 2:30am and got ready to come back up. It was really kind of funny how I was so awake when I first got up. Then, as Dad and I drove to Rexburg, I got more and more tired! It was horrible! By the time I got here I was exhausted and I just wanted to fall asleep. It was -8 degrees outside when I arrived and I stood in line for a few minutes to get my room number. After that, Dad and I moved all of my stuff into my apartment and then he took me grocery shopping. I quickly came home after and put my stuff away, when I found out that I actually needed to switch rooms so that two girls that had come together could be in the same room. I switched and then had Dad run me over to the Snow building (Music building) for my 9:00 meeting. I was in meetings from 9:00-12:00 today and then I helped with the choir auditions! It was excellent--tiring, but excellent!! I got to see several friends from the past, including my friend Helen who just got back from her mission!! I was warming up and getting ready for a voice check (that didn't end up happening today) when the door opened and she poked her head in! I was ecstatic to see her!! We were screaming and jumping up and down in my practice room! I've really missed her and I'm excited to have her back!!!

A little while later in the day I had the opportunity to speak to Brother Kempton! It was a really good talk! We just talked about the Fall, what my schedule is like this semester, and things like that. I got really excited as I was talking to him because I told him about my niece!! Stephen and Nini are expecting little Scarlett Maureen on May 30th!! I told him about it and I got really excited and I couldn't stop smiling! It was fabulous!!! Brother Kempton is such a great teacher! There are times when I'm still intimidated by him, but he is awesome! I look forward to working with him again!

At about 5:00 I left and came back to my apartment and started to unpack everything. It's now 7:50 and I'm proud to say that EVERYTHING is unpacked!!! Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, EVERYTHING!! I'm grateful it didn't take me too long. I can feel my head bob every now and then due to excessive tiredness! That's okay! Tomorrow morning consists of going to the gym, voice check at 11:10, helping with auditions, getting books, ready from said books, and relaxing!! I'm very excited about this semester!!! Here's to a new year and new adventures!! Ciao!!!