Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

"A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts."
               ~Washington Irving

I'm so grateful for my Mom and everything she has done for me throughout my life. Just like the above quote said, she has been there with me through good and bad times. I watched 'Music and the Spoken Word' this morning and they had recordings of children saying what they learned/got from their Moms. I'd like to do the same!

1. My Mom taught me what true love is! My parents have been happily married for twenty-five years! Through all of that time, my parents have gone through so much! Their lives weren't easy, and yet they still love each other. In a world where people are constantly marrying each other and then divorcing because it was "too hard", I'm grateful that I have the example of my parents.

2. How to be a good wife. My Mom and Dad are so cute! Through the hard times that my Mom had and the entire family had my Mom stood next to my Dad and never let her faith falter. She is an incredible woman and I strive to live and be like her!

3. I am beautiful! Growing up I had a hard time believing this because of what some of the girls at school would say. But, because of my Mom and her constant love for me, she continuously told me who/what I am: a beautiful daughter of God.

4. My Mom taught me faith! Life isn't easy; but with the Lord it can be easier!

5. My Mom also taught me that the best person I can be is me! Everybody is different, but because of that we are not less important than another. Everybody has a role to play, and I am important!

6. It is possible to love unconditionally! I always thought that God was the only person who could love somebody "unconditionally"; but that isn't so. It's a Godly trait that we all can posses; and my Mother does! I don't ever have to doubt of her love for me or my family. She loves me despite mistakes I make, despite things that happen, no matter what!

Mom, thanks so much for being a rock in my life! You have brought me through so many hard times without even knowing about it! I love you and am so grateful for the example you are to me and everybody around you! I love you so much!

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