Thursday, October 17, 2013

Conquering Fears

“It’s OKAY to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave.” 
                 ~ Mandy Hale

I, in all honesty, am scared right now . . . according to this quote, that means I'm about to do something really, really brave. Last week my mentor teacher let me know about a job position opening in Kuna, Idaho for a part-time choir teacher. I was so excited to find out about the job opportunity and have my first real job in my field! But, at the same time, it's really scary for me too! I'd be fairly far from home which isn't necessarily bad, but it's just very different than I'm use to. I, fortunately, called both of my parents and let them know about it. My Dad and I had a really nice conversation about what kinds of things I need to think about when it comes to considering this job. Will I be able to afford to live here? Think about rent, food, gas, insurance, etc.

I've filled out the paperwork and am currently waiting for hear back from them. Joie has talked to them and they said I would at least be getting an interview! We'll see what happens!! I'm doing a lot of praying and studying to see if I could do it. Here's to hoping! :)

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