Sunday, October 27, 2013

I Met Iron Man!!!

The last few days I've been working at Skyview High School's Haunted House! My job is to escort the people out who get really scared and don't think they can go on. I thought my job was going to be pointless because I thought it was going to be cheap and lame, but it was really quite elaborate! Scott went all out on this! On Friday I was there and, in all honesty, I really didn't want to be there! I had had a rough week and a particularly rough day and I just wanted to go home and go to sleep!

I was standing by my spot and I saw that a little boy (about three years old) was scared and they started walking him over to me. His Mom told him that I would take care of him and he grabbed my hand and we walked out. When we got outside I looked down at him and my heart broke! He had blonde curly hair, big blue eyes that were full of tears, and his bottom lip was poking out a little bit! I sat down with him on the concrete and asked what his name was. He responded by saying his full name! I smiled at him and noticed that he was wearing an Iron Man costume. I gasped and asked if he was Iron Man. His face lit up and he said, "No. It's just a costume!" I laughed and told him that he looked like Iron Man! He giggled and started pulling on his costume, "No, I'm not Iron Man see!" He was the cutest little boy ever! It didn't take long for his family to get out of the Haunted House, but those few minutes with Iron Man really turned my day around!

As I've been thinking about that small exchange I couldn't help but laugh because God knows me so well! He knew what I was feeling and that I was struggling! He knew that I needed that light around me at that time! He knew that I needed the chance to serve and help somebody else! God is aware of me and He hasn't forgotten me! He loves me and wants me to be successful in everything I do! I'm so grateful for His love and for the chance I have to strive to be more like Him every day!

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