Monday, March 24, 2014

Days of Happiness--Day 3

Oh my goodness, today has been such an excellent day! I started off at the temple! It was so nice to go and feel the peace and serenity there! There were several people there, but I didn't mind! A couple of cool/funny things happened whilst I was at the temple this morning!

The first story was happening during confirmations. I was listening to the names and imagining what their story was. As I listened I heard the name Ana Christoff! It took all I had to not laugh! The only thing I could think of was that we were converting Disney one movie at a time! (*Note: For those of you who are confused as to what the big deal is with that name, it is the name of two of the leads in the new Disney movie Frozen).
I also had the chance to meet and very nice young woman who is getting ready to serve her mission in Argentina! It was so cool talking to her and hearing her testimony!

The beautiful Provo temple!! I love this place!

After I went to the temple I had a nice conversation with my Dad about getting a new cell phone. I decided that it was time that I had my own plan/phone. I ended up joining Verizon and getting an iPhone 4s! Man, I was geeking out about it all afternoon! As I was driving down to get it I kept saying to myself "I am an adult!!". It was quite comical!

Almost immediately after I got my phone I went to Family Home Evening (FHE). We watched the Joseph Smith movie! I love that movie! There is such a powerful spirit that is felt whenever I watch it! It was absolutely wonderful!

Julie, Heather, and I at FHE. This was taken with my new phone and using the app Instagram!! :)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day of Happiness--Day2

Day 2--I have the greatest Ward choir! Today I brought in my Hoberman Sphere and they loved it! I used it to teach them about dynamics and how to grow gradually.  Not only that, but we played a little bit with where people were standing.  Oh my word, it was so wonderful!  I'm so grateful for a choir that is willing to try some crazy things with me and let me geek-out about random things! I love it and am so grateful for them!

A couple of the songs we are doing ("Take Time to Be Holy" and "The Love of God")
and my Hoberman Sphere)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Days of Happiness--Day 1

Day 1--Tonight was my final night performing "Into the Woods" with some of the greatest people I know! These people have truly touched my life and changed it for the better! Ms. T (the director) gave us these beautiful treasure boxes. Inside was some candy, a donut, a personalized letter, and a compass pocket charm. With the pocket charm there was a poem, it said:

"Each day is a journey
We take one step at a time
With friends to support us
One each challenge as we climb.

Whatever direction we go
And no matter what comes our way
May our journey through life
Bring us happiness each day."

I'm so grateful for this amazing cast and crew that I got to work with! I love them with all of my heart! Now it is time for me to take another journey! So, into the woods I go again! :)

100 Days of Happy!

So, one of my friends on Facebook posted the 100 Days of Happy Challenge. Every day you post a picture of something that made you happy that day! You share them wherever you would like (I have picked Facebook, but you could do Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and submit it with a hash tag. For example, mine will be #100daysofhappy. Crazy simple, yeah? I will also be posting them here on my blog. I am excited to do this challenge! I am a happy person as it is, but there are a lot of times when I don't take the time to recognize God's hand in my life and the things He does for me. I feel that this is a great way to get into a better habit of doing so. Even during the toughest times in our lives there is something to be happy about! Not only that, but to document it and be able to look back and remember those times.

If you take the challenge, let me know! We can support each other! My 100 days starts today (March 22, 2014). Which means I will be posting pictures daily until June 30, 2014.

Let the posts, begin! :D

Monday, March 17, 2014

"Into the Woods" Part 1

Man, this has been such a great experience!  Not going to lie though, if you had asked me a week ago if we were ready I would have said a big, fat NO!  Some people still weren’t memorized, we were still learning dances, and we were working on blocking a few of the scenes as well!  No, one week ago we were totally not ready!  And, you know what, I don’t think we were ready opening night.  There were a lot of technical things that had we hadn’t worked out and we just, again, weren’t very confident on notes, entrances, etc.  But, after we had that completely bomb performance Friday night, we started picking it up!
Not going to lie though, tonight (March 17th) has been the best performance by far! It is the fundraiser so it is the dinner theater. We have such a wonderful audience! They laugh at everything. That isn't an exaggeration either! Even things that we didn't find funny, as a cast, the audience would laugh at! It was incredible! Their energy is so easy to feed off of, it is absolutely wonderful!

A few of the funny moments that has happened since the first performance:
  • Christie (Lucinda) and I (Florinda) were tying ourselves together during the second act (we are blind and led by a rope). Natalie (Cinderella) was running back to change for her next scene. Christie and I were standing far enough apart that Natalie (Cinderella) thought she could run between us. Well, she did and we totally clotheslined her!  We also made her late for her entrance. Oops! :)
  • Seeing Mr. Reynolds as the Mysterious Man . . . he is freaky!  I knew there was a reason I was scared of him in high school!
  • “Nailed it!” has become the theme of this musical! Whether it has been sarcastic or sincere awesomeness.
L to R: Cinderella (Natalie), Florinda (me), and Lucinda (Christie).
Our opening scene!

Here is one of the "Nailed" it things I was talking about.
L: Professional make-up artist
R: My poor attempt at recreating that make-up! A sarcastic "nailed it"
L to R: Lucinda (Christie), Stepmother (DeAnna), Florinda (Me)
Second Act, "Children Won't Listen"
We only have a few performances left. It is really quite bitter-sweet to see it all end! I have loved so much working with this wonderful cast, crew, and musicians! They have become such dear friends of mine. We are going to have an awesome few days of rest before our final two performances and then it's back to the wolves, giants, and "dragons"! ;)