Saturday, March 22, 2014

Days of Happiness--Day 1

Day 1--Tonight was my final night performing "Into the Woods" with some of the greatest people I know! These people have truly touched my life and changed it for the better! Ms. T (the director) gave us these beautiful treasure boxes. Inside was some candy, a donut, a personalized letter, and a compass pocket charm. With the pocket charm there was a poem, it said:

"Each day is a journey
We take one step at a time
With friends to support us
One each challenge as we climb.

Whatever direction we go
And no matter what comes our way
May our journey through life
Bring us happiness each day."

I'm so grateful for this amazing cast and crew that I got to work with! I love them with all of my heart! Now it is time for me to take another journey! So, into the woods I go again! :)

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