Saturday, March 22, 2014

100 Days of Happy!

So, one of my friends on Facebook posted the 100 Days of Happy Challenge. Every day you post a picture of something that made you happy that day! You share them wherever you would like (I have picked Facebook, but you could do Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and submit it with a hash tag. For example, mine will be #100daysofhappy. Crazy simple, yeah? I will also be posting them here on my blog. I am excited to do this challenge! I am a happy person as it is, but there are a lot of times when I don't take the time to recognize God's hand in my life and the things He does for me. I feel that this is a great way to get into a better habit of doing so. Even during the toughest times in our lives there is something to be happy about! Not only that, but to document it and be able to look back and remember those times.

If you take the challenge, let me know! We can support each other! My 100 days starts today (March 22, 2014). Which means I will be posting pictures daily until June 30, 2014.

Let the posts, begin! :D

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