Saturday, March 26, 2011

Savior of the World

This entire week has truly been a blessing for me. Wednesday and Thursday evening we had rehearsal for Savior of the World. It was truly a powerful experience, and that's just the rehearsals! The first rehearsal (Wednesday) was about five hours long because they were setting lights. Yet, the Spirit was so strong, I really didn't mind it at all. It was truly the greatest rehearsal I've ever been to in my life! Thursday night was a little bit shorter, but the Spirit was still strong.

Last night we presented it to an audience of 1100+. I remember walking out on stage and looking into the audience and seeing how full it was! The first thought that popped into my mind was 'Wow! I get to share my testimony with all of these people!' That mentality remained with me throughout the evening. As we presented this amazing and true work, the Spirit continually grew. I gained a better testimony about Christ's life. Despite the fact that the presentation consists of before His birth (Act I) and his resurrection (Act II), I know that the miracles he performed are true! I learned some cool things about it too. Act I is not the story! It's a lot of tablos! It jumps back and forth between Mary and Joseph to Zacharias and Elizabeth. But it's amazing, and powerful, to see their love and support for each other. Act II is the story; He is Risen! Can you say, powerful? Oh my goodness, when Brother Brower said that I started to cry (and in a room full of young men, I felt a little silly)!

During Act I, I distinctly remember feeling confirmation after confirmation that Mary truly was a blessed woman! That she was brave and obedient, as was Joseph. During one of the songs, after Mary tells Joseph that she is three months with child, Joseph says: "What is the right thing to do? I know the law, and it is clear. That any woman that is with child outside of marriage should be taken out of the city and stoned. What is the right thing to do?" How brave Mary was to accept such a task that could potentially get her killed, and how brave of Joseph for supporting her in this! It was powerful! As I sat and watched, I also thought of Emma Smith! How brave, elect, and loved she is! Oh my goodness, a powerful testimony of both Mary and Emma!
The end of Act I, a little boy named Nathan along with some other shepherds are looking for the baby Jesus. When they find them, they tell Mary and Joseph that the angel told them to declare it to the world that the Son of God was born! As they walk away, Nathan's father bends down and tell Nathan to go tell Mary and Joseph first. He goes over and starts with his message and then stumbled on his words: "For unto you . . . for unto you . . ." Mary interrupted and told him to continue, ". . . for unto you is born this day, in the city of David, Jesus Christ." and as Nathan said this line, he turns and directs it to Mary. I'm not quite sure why, but it hit me incredibly hard. Mary did give birth to Jesus Christ, and together with Joseph, they raised Him.

Act II then starts with Christ, having been dead three days, has risen. A disciple runs in and tells Cleopus that Christ is no longer in His tomb. As they finish their discussion, you hear Mary Magdalene singing about where Christ is. She wants to know "where is He who dried our tears . . . where is He who gave His life . . ." and when she finishes, a light shone on her. It was Jesus Christ! It was truly a powerful thing to see; even though there was not a person standing in that light, knowing what it represented was truly amazing! Seeing how blessed she was and how loved she was that Christ would come to her first and comfort her. A little later, Cleopus and the disciple (he doesn't have a name in this) are searching for Christ. They speak about how they saw Him, spoke with Him, and ate with Him. There's a line that the disciple says that I love: "Cleopus, He knew our hearts. He knew we were sad." and I know that that is true! Several times they mentioned how foolish they were to have been sad. They knew He would rise again, they knew that He would come back. They then meet up with some of the apostles and other disciples and Christ appears to them again. Christ appears unto all of them and tells them to have peace unto their soul. One of the disciples really touched me though. When Christ appeared, he knelt down and bowed his head. When Christ told them to "behold His hands and feet" was when he looked up. Christ spoke with them for a moment and then left. When all were standing, the same disciple knelt for several minutes, completely still. It was powerful!
It also showed Thomas and his struggles. He sang a very powerful song: "I cannot hear His words, unless He's with me", it changes throughout the rest of the Act. "If I cannot hear His words, I will go speak them." and then Christ shows himself unto Thomas. Again, another powerful testimony of our doubt. We must not need to see in order to believe. We are all witnesses of Christ, despite the fact if we've seen Him or not. It was truly a powerful presentatino to be a part of. My testimony has grown immensely because of it! Christ lives! He is Risen!

This morning I went to the temple, and as I sat in the confirmation room a thought crossed my mind. If it weren't for what Christ had done, none of these people would be able to be baptized! None of them would be able to return home! As I sat and listened to others being confirmed and then myself for these people that I don't know, I prayed with all my heart that they would accept this! This gospel is so true! There is no doubt it my mind!! My testimony is infinitely stronger than it was even earlier this week! I am grateful for my Savior, and brother, Jesus Christ and what He did for me. "He is Risen! He is Risen for me!"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Music Major Quotes Winter 2011

These are the music major quotes for this semester! I figured I could put them both on Facebook and on Blogger. They're great either way! Good luck with understanding them!

"A tonal is much more . . ." -Bro. Kerr

"We learn from our peers, but be careful of that one!" -Bro. Kerr [referring to Tyler Carlisle]

[About the Hymn Festival conflicting with Opera Scenes practice] "That is why they cancelled Op. Shop." -Tyler Carlisle
"We don't believe you."-Bro. Kerr

"Are you allowed to repeat notes?"-Student asking about part of the test
"Yes . . . but don't be weird." -Bro. Kerr

"Brother Kerr, come ride the elevator!"-Tyler Carlisle
[Side note: he did!]

"How do you gain and obtain knowledge?"-Tyler
"You ask!"-Christina

[Asking about extending our time on our test from an hour to an hour and a half]
"I would be happy to give you an hour and a half.'-Bro. Kerr
[LOUD gasp]-Cassandra

"Whatever comes out of Tyler's mouth is probably the opposite of truth."-Bro. Kerr
"Did he say that?"-Tyler

"Negative Batman!"-Tyler [to Bro. Kerr about being a BM or  BMA major]
"You need to be educated Robin."-Bro. Kerr
"We're a team!"-Tyler

"Tyler, where did you learn to count?"-Bro. Kerr
"Kindergarten! I went to Big Apple Elementary!"-Tyler
[a little later, Bro. Kerr asks if anyone has a calculator and Tyler pulls his graphing calculator out.]
"Tyler can count because he has his BIG calculator."-Bro. Kerr
[We look for the golden mean by using a calculator and Tyler gets 26.574]
"Would you like me to graph that?"-Tyler

"You're such a good role model."-Tyler
"Thank you."-Bro. Kerr

"F, as in the grade you don't want."-Bro. Kerr
"I thought you were going to say the grade you deserve."-Robert

"You're assessing me; and I passed."-Tyler

[Bro. Kerr used a marker on the board to show a conducting pattern] "The candy cane of death, it's all black."-?

"Tyler, we're done!"-Bro. Kerr

"Pass the golden butter."-Kameron

"Be ye not deceived."-Bro. Kerr

[Talking about +6 chords] "If we add a 4th note, we change nationalities."-Bro. Kerr

"Don't flirt with flatness."-Bro. Kerr

"Modus Novas in the spirit of contention."-Cassandra

[Bro. Kerr had us listen to a Modus Novas and correct what was wrong with it as he played]
"Since you corrected it, can y ou sing it?"-Bro. Kerr
"You're the one that needs practice!"-Tyler

"Don't listen to Tyler . . . ever!"-Bro. Kerr

"Great things come from a rocky beginning."-Bro. Kerr
"Like a boxing match!"-Cami

"We won't be using this textbook that often."-Bro. Kerr

"I don't deal with end of semester test days."-Bro. Kerr
"So, we get those days off?"-Tyler
"Don't put words in my mouth."-Bro. Kerr

"College administration math; also called fuzzy math."-Bro. Kerr
"Do they pray about it?"-Tyler
"Don't tempt me."-Bro. Kerr

"How do you write that?"-Alan
"In words."-Bo. Kerr

"There's probably a Facebook like group called 'Shubert is cool!'."-Bro. Kerr

"I am a phrygian oomphaba!"-Greg

"What if I'm thinking 'Holy crap this better not be on the test.'?"-Tyler
"You're not thinking that, right?"-Bro. Kerr
"Pfft, no!"-Tyler

"Many are called, but few are chosen. Those that are chosen get excited about music."-Bro. Kerr

"Thus begins the downfall of tonality!"-Kameron

"You agilated phrygian oomphaba!"-Greg/Cameo

[Conversation Bro. Tueller had with himself in Music Lit.]
"Why study music history?", "Because it's fun?", "No it's not."-Bro. Tueller

"I want a hurdy gurdy."-Cassandra

"Nice leading tones."-Bro. Tueller

[Talking about Italian Trecento diction]
"If you look carefully you can see dots in the notation."-Bro. Tueller
"If you look carefully you can SEE a NOTATION."-Alex W.
"Oh, it isn't THAT bad."-Bro. Tueller

[After we tried sight singing a piece]
"Let's hear somebodey professional do it."-Bro. Tueller

"In other words they just broke up, I know it!"-Bro. Tueller [about "Dueil Angorsseus']

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Or maybe weakens you so the next thing kills you."-Bro. Tueller

[Talking about tuning]
"This happened with the Fall of Adam."-Bro. Tueller

[Talking about Krummhorns]
"You know there's a name for people who still play that instrument. They're called nerds!"-Bro. Tueller

"Tangeantize to the Dolorian mode."-Kameron

"There's something about 'VVVVVV' that's so, yeah."-?

"Elephant major."-Spencer

[Talking about people being tardy/absent]
"Absences you excommunicate you."-Bro. Kerr

"Can you do that again?"-Isaac
"Honestly, I'm not even sure what I did."-Sarah

"Modjus Grovas."-Alan

"That's . . . weird."-Spencer

"I have a great husband!"-Cambria
"So does my wife."-A random gentleman that walked by

[Tyler was walking down the hallway and saw Bro. Kerr. When Tyler was right by the door, he said this]
"Last one in owes the other a smootie!"-Tyler

"Instead of going on the date and thinking 'I kind of want to kiss him.' Think 'I REALLY want to kiss him!'."-Bro. Brower

"We will ban the word 'um' in this course!"-Bro. Brower

"Raise your ribs off your lunch."-Bro. Brower

[Gesturing to his arms]
"By the way, these things are attached."-Bro. Brower

"Gril does 'pity me', boy turns off. Girl does 'ah', boy turns on!"-Bro. Brower

"Did I say we were putting htis on a shelf?"-Bro. Brower [about Amber's earrings]

"Let's all have a sympathetic cough."-Bro. Brower

"Some of you, your lips are challenged. That's bad on Valentine's Day!"-Sis. Ashby

"Chuck Norris wears Bro. Kerr pajamas."-Kameron/Nykele

"Can you do that round house kick in solfedge?"-Alan

"Holy Modus Novas Batman!"-Kameron

[Talking about Tye Dye shirts]
"This shirt looks like the music we play!"-Kameron

Saturday, March 19, 2011

"That's it, I'm moving to Sparta!"

This past week has been great! I went and saw Alfie Boe on Wednesday and it was the greatest concert I had ever been to! Alfie Boe will be playing Jean Valjean in the London production of Les Miserables. He is absolutely amazing! After listening to him for several hours, all I wanted to do was go practice for hours! The first half of his concert was classical/opera style music. The second half was music from musicals, including "Bring Him Home" from Les Miserables. Oh, it was incredible! At one point, he commented on how his daughter was looking through the window on the doors. He told the audience that he was going to ask if his daughter, Gracie (3-4 years old), wanted to come out on stage with him. He then proceeded to run out the stage doors to grab his daughter. He came out and she was holding his hand; they walked about three steps in and she ran out because she was nervous! It was so cute! He stood by the door for a second and asked if she wanted to come out. We suddenly hear this little girls voice yell, "NO!"; oh she was adorable!!!

Thursday night I sang in my first recital ever!!! I was at a practice for Savior of the World and about half way through the practice I got to go sing. I sang in the NATS Recital and I sang "Chanson Triste" (French for "Sorrowful Song") I think I did fair, but I was incredibly nervous! But, the important thing is that I did it! I sing in another recital in a week! I'm very excited! During our rehearsal, Brother Hopkin announced that BYU won their basketball game by 7! A few of the girls yelled "Oh yeah! They got Jimmered!"; a few of the men there gave us silly looks. They looked almost surprised that we even knew about Jimmer!

This weekend, I also have the wonderful opportunity to be home this weekend! It's great! I'm getting a lot done and just getting the opportunity to relax a little bit! Tomorrow I head back, and almost as soon as I get back I have another rehearsal; but this one is for Conference Choir. Men's Choir, Women's Choir, Vocal Union, Collegiate Singers, and about 70 other students who auditioned are going to sing in the Saturday afternoon session of General Conference in a few weeks! I am so excited! I get to share my testimony with the entire world via music! Oh man, this is going to be amazing!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Will You Marry Me?"

What a week it has been! I guess I'll start with Monday; I wore heels around campus for the first time. I wasn't feeling well so I tried to stay in one place for a little while. Fortunately, Brother Brower didn't make me sing in Master Class because I was so ill. But, for the most part, Monday wasn't a bad day. Tuesday was much better! The General Conference choir sang in devotional! It was a blast! After devotional, as I walked to my next class, a few girls came up to me and asked if I just sang in the choir. I nodded and told them that I did. They freaked out and started asking about conference, things like what session we were singing in, they were excited that they would get to see me on screen again--note I didn't know these girls--and it was just a little silly. It's happened to me several times since then. Apparently, I'm a celebrity now on campus.

Wednesday was busy, as always, but it was an amazing day! I went into Men's choir because we're singing "Savior of the World" and General Conference together. I figured it would help if I went in, by myself, and practiced without hearing my part being sung around me. Brother Brower, the conductor, talked about "Savior of the World" and the background behind it. The first thing he asked us was who the composer was. I honestly had never looked before, so I turned to the front and to my surprise there was no name. I looked up as Brother Brower continued, he said: "If you notice there aren't any names for the music or the lyrics. The only name on the score is our Lord and Savior's name. We also don't call this a performance, but a presentation. Because we aren't performing, but presenting the audience with a testimony and account about our Savior's birth, life, and death." He continued and he spoke about the process that this work went through. A lot of different composers, directors, actors, etc. came together to write the music and put this together. When they started rehearsing it, the Twelve (12) Apostles came and watched. They would write notes and give it to the director at the end of every rehearsal. They still do that in every rehearsal today. Every performance is different in the Conference center. Even the music is constantly changing. It was amazing to hear Brother Brower talk about this. Brother Brower continued and asked the choir to sing "in the light of Christ", and as we sang things like "Come deliever us" and "Come Lord Jesus to the wedding [wounded, etc.]" the spirit was so incredibly strong! My testimony and life has already been changed as we've started singing about the birth, life, and death of our Lord and Saviour! I'm very excited to have the opportunity to share the testimony I have, and am gaining, with 15,000 people (I'm praying we sell out on tickets).

On Friday, when I went into Men's choir, I witnessed a proposal. For their warm-up they sang a song, that they weren't supposed to sing again, called "August". As they sang, there was a young man (who is in Men's Choir) and his girlfriend. As the song progressed, he pulled her out into the front of the room and got down on one knee. After the men finished he asked Sarah, his girlfriend, if she would marry him. She said yes and the entire Recital Hall broke out into applause! As the applause and cheering died down, Brother Brower said: "Well Sarah, I know you probably wanted this to be a little more private. But, look you now have 60 best men!" As they walked out, Brother Brower started laughing; "My wife would have killed me if I did that." It was a cool moment to see, but also a rather funny one too.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A weekend of firsts!

Yesterday I went to Winger's for the first time with Brandon, Cassandra, and Alan. It was amazing! They have awesome food there! I got their sticky fingers! I'll tell you what, I really want to go there again! After that, Brandon and I went to the BYU Idaho Choir and BYU Men's Chorus concert! What amazing, talented young men we've got here (and at BYU of course). We've been working on a birthday gift for Brandon's sister, Jen, and we just about finished it last night. In case she reads this blog, I won't disclose what it is! But, I will say this . . . it's awesome!

Also yesterday I went shopping for General Conference choir clothing. I needed a "jewel toned", button-up, long-sleeved or 3/4 of a sleeve blouse and some new black shoes (my other ones broke, the heel came off). So, we went and I got some black heels and a shirt! That's right, I said heels. They're about 4 inches! I wore them last night to the concert and I was rather proud of myself . . . I didn't fall or trip or anything of the sort! So, it was my first time wearing heels! Ha ha, Brandon was a little concerned about me falling and such. He continued to tell me to "hold on for dear life"! Oh yeah, another first for this week is that I am finally starting to kick my habit of biting my nails! I've gone 3 (three) days without biting my nails!! Anna would be so proud, seeing has how she was always the one that would smack my hand if I was biting them.

Another first happened just a couple of hours ago; I did my laundry, in the bath tub! "Why?" you ask; because I didn't have any quarters yesterday, but I really needed to do laundry! So, I figured I have the detergent, I have a tub, I have hangers that I can hang my wet clothes on . . . why not? So, I just finished doing a few items of clothing because I didn't want to do them all. It wasn't really that bad either. I filled the tub with water and detergent and put some clothes in there to soak for about 20 minutes. Then I went and gently scrubbed the clothing. After that, I rinsed them like crazy and then hung them up to dry in my bedroom. I wouldn't want to do it every day, but it wasn't too bad.

Another first that happened this week, I got my first kiss!!! It was great! We had just done homework and watched a movie at Brandon's place. He walked me home and when we said good-night we hugged, like we typically do. When I backed away, he didn't let go. I remember thinking "Uh-oh, here it comes! What do I do?" and having a slight panic attack! In the end, it felt natural and it wasn't as scary as I made it up to be in my mind! It was great!