Saturday, March 26, 2011

Savior of the World

This entire week has truly been a blessing for me. Wednesday and Thursday evening we had rehearsal for Savior of the World. It was truly a powerful experience, and that's just the rehearsals! The first rehearsal (Wednesday) was about five hours long because they were setting lights. Yet, the Spirit was so strong, I really didn't mind it at all. It was truly the greatest rehearsal I've ever been to in my life! Thursday night was a little bit shorter, but the Spirit was still strong.

Last night we presented it to an audience of 1100+. I remember walking out on stage and looking into the audience and seeing how full it was! The first thought that popped into my mind was 'Wow! I get to share my testimony with all of these people!' That mentality remained with me throughout the evening. As we presented this amazing and true work, the Spirit continually grew. I gained a better testimony about Christ's life. Despite the fact that the presentation consists of before His birth (Act I) and his resurrection (Act II), I know that the miracles he performed are true! I learned some cool things about it too. Act I is not the story! It's a lot of tablos! It jumps back and forth between Mary and Joseph to Zacharias and Elizabeth. But it's amazing, and powerful, to see their love and support for each other. Act II is the story; He is Risen! Can you say, powerful? Oh my goodness, when Brother Brower said that I started to cry (and in a room full of young men, I felt a little silly)!

During Act I, I distinctly remember feeling confirmation after confirmation that Mary truly was a blessed woman! That she was brave and obedient, as was Joseph. During one of the songs, after Mary tells Joseph that she is three months with child, Joseph says: "What is the right thing to do? I know the law, and it is clear. That any woman that is with child outside of marriage should be taken out of the city and stoned. What is the right thing to do?" How brave Mary was to accept such a task that could potentially get her killed, and how brave of Joseph for supporting her in this! It was powerful! As I sat and watched, I also thought of Emma Smith! How brave, elect, and loved she is! Oh my goodness, a powerful testimony of both Mary and Emma!
The end of Act I, a little boy named Nathan along with some other shepherds are looking for the baby Jesus. When they find them, they tell Mary and Joseph that the angel told them to declare it to the world that the Son of God was born! As they walk away, Nathan's father bends down and tell Nathan to go tell Mary and Joseph first. He goes over and starts with his message and then stumbled on his words: "For unto you . . . for unto you . . ." Mary interrupted and told him to continue, ". . . for unto you is born this day, in the city of David, Jesus Christ." and as Nathan said this line, he turns and directs it to Mary. I'm not quite sure why, but it hit me incredibly hard. Mary did give birth to Jesus Christ, and together with Joseph, they raised Him.

Act II then starts with Christ, having been dead three days, has risen. A disciple runs in and tells Cleopus that Christ is no longer in His tomb. As they finish their discussion, you hear Mary Magdalene singing about where Christ is. She wants to know "where is He who dried our tears . . . where is He who gave His life . . ." and when she finishes, a light shone on her. It was Jesus Christ! It was truly a powerful thing to see; even though there was not a person standing in that light, knowing what it represented was truly amazing! Seeing how blessed she was and how loved she was that Christ would come to her first and comfort her. A little later, Cleopus and the disciple (he doesn't have a name in this) are searching for Christ. They speak about how they saw Him, spoke with Him, and ate with Him. There's a line that the disciple says that I love: "Cleopus, He knew our hearts. He knew we were sad." and I know that that is true! Several times they mentioned how foolish they were to have been sad. They knew He would rise again, they knew that He would come back. They then meet up with some of the apostles and other disciples and Christ appears to them again. Christ appears unto all of them and tells them to have peace unto their soul. One of the disciples really touched me though. When Christ appeared, he knelt down and bowed his head. When Christ told them to "behold His hands and feet" was when he looked up. Christ spoke with them for a moment and then left. When all were standing, the same disciple knelt for several minutes, completely still. It was powerful!
It also showed Thomas and his struggles. He sang a very powerful song: "I cannot hear His words, unless He's with me", it changes throughout the rest of the Act. "If I cannot hear His words, I will go speak them." and then Christ shows himself unto Thomas. Again, another powerful testimony of our doubt. We must not need to see in order to believe. We are all witnesses of Christ, despite the fact if we've seen Him or not. It was truly a powerful presentatino to be a part of. My testimony has grown immensely because of it! Christ lives! He is Risen!

This morning I went to the temple, and as I sat in the confirmation room a thought crossed my mind. If it weren't for what Christ had done, none of these people would be able to be baptized! None of them would be able to return home! As I sat and listened to others being confirmed and then myself for these people that I don't know, I prayed with all my heart that they would accept this! This gospel is so true! There is no doubt it my mind!! My testimony is infinitely stronger than it was even earlier this week! I am grateful for my Savior, and brother, Jesus Christ and what He did for me. "He is Risen! He is Risen for me!"

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