Friday, April 1, 2011

It's the "Finals" countdown!

Oh my goodness, finals are next week! This semester has gone by so quickly, and so has this past week! On Monday I was put on vocal rest because of my 16 hours of rehearsing last week. My voice was tired and just dead! For the most part, everybody was supportive of me in this near impossible feat (I wasn't supposed to speak/sing for 2-3 days)! But it was awesome! On Tuesday I went to the Collegiate Singers Tour Concert! A-MAZ-ING!!!! Keisha sang a few solos--"I Know the Lord Will Make a Way" and "Use Me Lord"--and half way through the concert I realized that this would be Keisha's last performance here at BYU Idaho! It weirded me out for a few minutes! After the show, Kelsey (my roommate), Tyler, Christina, Cassandra, Courtney, and I went to Twizlberry for a much needed break! It was great!

Wednesday night was a BLAST! I went to the Sound Alliance/Vocal Union concert. It was set up like a jazz swing club! There was room in the front (we were in the Hart Auditorium) for dancing, a section in the middle for tables and eating, and then a section in the back for audience seating. A few of my friends and I sat at the tables, it was incredible! After Vocal Union sang their first few pieces, Sound Alliance started to play one of my favorite jazz songs, "In the Mood". I looked at Cami and exclaimed how much I loved this song! Next thing I knew, I saw Eli run up to me and ask me if I wanted to dance. Cameo looked at me in a way that said 'If you don't go dance with him, I'll slap you!' I would have gone anyway, but it was good to have tha extra encouragement.  We went towards the front of the auditorium and I started to get nervous. He seemed to notice because he asked me if I was. I told him that I was use to being the "man" in these situations and was afraid that I would lead. In all honesty, it was fairly easy to follow him. He taught me how to swing and we would warn me when he was going to "throw things at me". It was awesome!

Later that night, I also danced with my friends husband! Ha, she's currently 7-8 months pregneant and can't dance to the fast songs. So, on the faster songs she'd lean over to her husband and tell him to ask her friends to dance. It was funny! Neither of us really knew what we were doing, but half way through the song we got it! I looked at him and exclaimed "Stuart, we're doing it!" He, fortunately, shared in my enthusiasm! It was quite and exhilarating performance! We talked to Sister Brower (the conductor for Vocal Union) about doing this every semester! Hopefully she'll consider it. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot! One of my friends ripped his pants while dancing! It was one of the funniest things I had ever seen. One minute he was dancing across the room, next thing I know the girl he was dancing with comes over busting her gut! He followed shortly after, his knees were rather close together. We asked what had happened and the girl, Tessa, said "He ripped his pants!!!!" and continued to go on laughing! His face started to flush and he smiled weakly. Another highlight of the night ha ha!

Yesterday was great as well! I had a great voice lesson, the last one of this semester, and I got a lot done. Last night, I didn't do anything! I finished all of the homework I could, that didn't require a laptop because my friend was using mine, and when I got home I didn't have anything to do. I even finished homework for next week! Yeah, I was slightly surprised! So, last night my roommates and I watched Toy Story 3 and it was a blast! Again, another evening that I really needed; an evening that I could just kick back and relax! It was great! Today will be fairly chill, I'm heading home so I will be home this weekend for Conference. I have the blessed opportunity to sing in the Saturday afternoon session with the BYU Idaho mixed choirs; man I am so excited!!!!

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