Friday, April 8, 2011

"Spring" break

Wow, we've gotten about half an inch of snow within the past few days! I think Rexburg is a little confused . . . but it's okay because we've been getting a bit of rain too. Oh well, life goes on. So, yesterday was quite an adventurous day! Okay, not really but I had to make it sound exciting some how! But, I did try out of the BYU Idaho Collegiate Singers for the first time since I've been up here! I feel pretty good about it. I went in and was going to sing the piece I sang in juries, but he stopped me and asked if I could sing a hymn (he was sick of jury pieces ha ha). So instead, I sang "How Great Thou Art". I felt pretty good about it, and then we did some range checks and he asked what part Sister Ashby had me singing in choir. When I told him Alto II I knew that I should have warmed up my lower range. For some odd reason, I was so concerned about the higher end that I warmed that area up more. Anyway, then we did some a-tonal fragments (when he plays random notes and then I sing them back to him). I felt utterly ridiculous on one of them because there was one interval that I wasn't getting; unfortunately I had to do it three times to finally get it right! Goodness gracious! Then it was onto the sight singing; that went insanely well! The only thing that bothered me was that there was a C-sharp and a D-flat right next to each other (those are the same notes)! So, I sang "li" and then "te" up a whole step. After I sang through the whole thing, I looked at it and said "Brother Kempton, 'li' and 'te' are the same notes!" He smiled and said "Yep, that's part of the test!" Ha ha, I failed that part I guess! But I stayed in key and I was pretty darn excited about it!

Last night was awesome as well. I went over to my friend Cami's (Cambira) and we made cinnamon rolls and sweet and sour chicken and watched Emma. Cassandra came over a little later and oh my goodness it was an awesome girls night! I love my girls!!! After a little while Cassandra and I went to Kiwi Loco to get free yogurt (it was their grande opening and were giving out free yogurt) and then went to her apartment and watched The Wedding Planner. I still haven't seen the entire thing, but what I saw of it was pretty funny! Helen, who lives with Cassandra, came home and joined us part way through. She has the wonderful opportunity today to go to the temple to get ready for her mission! I am so excited for her and she was absolutley exstatic last night! Oh man, I will tell you what!!!

Then today has just been a day of cleaning for me. I don't have that much to do and so I'm just kind of taking my time and making sure that things are looking good. My bedroom looks awesome! I love the feeling you get after you clean about how amazing everything is. Within a few days, all of your work is kind of ruined . . . but oh well! That won't happen this time. I'm the only one of my roommates that is staying here over the week break, so I have to keep it as clean as humanly possible. We'll see how I do!

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