Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Finals week

What a week! Monday was busy, as always, but it was the first day of finals week! I only had one test that day, but it was a test in multiple parts. I did the dictation part of my FINAL Musicianship test ever!!! Oh man, it was exciting! I got 91% on it! Then Tuesday yesterday is where it all started! I had my jury at 9:30 and I didn't do too badly. I chose to sing "Chanson Triste" by Henri Duparc and then they picked "Quella Fiamma". I didn't do poorly on either of them, in fact I sang quite well! In "Quella" though, I accidentally repeated a part three times instead of twice! But, I continued to move on and act as if nothing happened! Apparently, I did really well! I'll find out soon if I passed or not. Then I took the written part of my Musicianship IV test, again the last one EVER!!! I found out that I got 98%! I was amazed!!! I also had the opportunity to go to two AMAZING recitals last night! One was Emily Riggs, I don't know her that well, but I've always enjoyed listening to her sing! Her voice is so gorgeous and what a range she has! She would go from her whistle to her chest and it was incredible! It got me really excited to do my recital in the future! The other recital I went to was my friend Eli Hopkin's. Again, amazing! It kind of hit me yesterday that he was leaving Y-I, but he's going to do great things out there! One day when he's famous I'll be able to say "He was my brother, friend, and tutor!" Ha ha, one day!

That brings me to today; today marked a big day in history . . . I graduated Musicianship! Like, I'm done forever!!! We had sparkling cider, the graduation march, and t-shirts to celebrate!

Those are our incredible shirts; I feel the need to explain the back though. Modus Novas was our sight singing book this semester. It was all a-tonal music which is new for all of us. In semesters past we would use the Berkowitz book; it was completely tonal! So, we decided that "Two houses divided could not stand . . ." and that it was going to throw off all of music (it needs to fall eventually, right?). So, we put that on the back of our shirts. The reason we have it written in German and Swiss as well is because in Modus everything is written in those three languages: German, Swiss, and English. It was funny! It's been a good semester and I'm excited for next! I will be working two jobs (one as an Office Assitant for Get Connected [Freshmen orientation] and also as a mentor for basic musicianship), I will hopefully be in the Collegiate singers, taking classes, having fun, you know the usual! I get to stay in the Burg during Spring break, so we'll see what grand adventures I have during that time!

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