Friday, April 8, 2011

Where's the "start" button?

Update from Conference:

I just got back to Rexburg after being home for Conference weekend. I had the remarkable opportunity to sing in the Saturday afternoon session of conference. I was to be there between 10:30-10:45am and the session didn't start until 2:00. I understand now why we were called to be there so early. We practiced for a little bit, they gave us lunch (which included a cheese stick, fruit snacks, a bottle of water, and some carrots), then they moved us to the choir loft and we practiced some more in there. Can I just say the pipes are HUGE!!!! And the conference center is smaller than I thought it was. I was surprised that the choir seats seated as many as they did; I thought for sure it would seat more.

We sang and after the conference all of the General Authorities turned around and gave us two thumbs up. We decided that it was something that they learned in the G.A. (General Authority) training. Elder Bednar came up and talked to Bro. Kempton and Sis. Ashby, it was very touching to see them and to have him give us a thumbs up as well! Then Sister Elaine S. Dalton came and told us we did "amazingly" and that she could feel the spirit very strongly. Again, very touching and we were excited to see them come up. Then our very own President Clark came up; we we all so excited! I think that that is kind of funny, mostly because we see him every Tuesday. However, we were more excited to see him than we were the other two (not that we weren't excited to see the other two, but . . . you know). He gave us a "thumbs up", smiled, told us that the spirit was very strong and that he was very proud of us. I remember feeling like he was like my father for a moment (it couldn't replace my real Dad saying it, but again, you know what I mean). As he walked away, he turned back to us and said "Good luck on finals!" Ha ha, oh my goodness it was brilliant!

The rest of the weekend was pretty great as well! I got to have donuts with my family for the first time in a long time after Priesthood session! I feel silly, because I didn't get any pictures! But it sounded like Priesthood session was absolutely brilliant! It was a lot of fun to get to spend time with my family and to feel the spirit and listen to the prophets voice. I then came home Sunday after the afternoon session. It was a very enjoyable ride with somebody that I feel is like my sister up here, Cassandra. I absolutely love her and we have an amazing discussion as we drove. I feel truly blessed that we have met and became great friends. I feel that I've experienced some things in my life so that I could help her and vice versa. God truly does put people in our life for a reason! I love it!

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