Saturday, March 19, 2011

"That's it, I'm moving to Sparta!"

This past week has been great! I went and saw Alfie Boe on Wednesday and it was the greatest concert I had ever been to! Alfie Boe will be playing Jean Valjean in the London production of Les Miserables. He is absolutely amazing! After listening to him for several hours, all I wanted to do was go practice for hours! The first half of his concert was classical/opera style music. The second half was music from musicals, including "Bring Him Home" from Les Miserables. Oh, it was incredible! At one point, he commented on how his daughter was looking through the window on the doors. He told the audience that he was going to ask if his daughter, Gracie (3-4 years old), wanted to come out on stage with him. He then proceeded to run out the stage doors to grab his daughter. He came out and she was holding his hand; they walked about three steps in and she ran out because she was nervous! It was so cute! He stood by the door for a second and asked if she wanted to come out. We suddenly hear this little girls voice yell, "NO!"; oh she was adorable!!!

Thursday night I sang in my first recital ever!!! I was at a practice for Savior of the World and about half way through the practice I got to go sing. I sang in the NATS Recital and I sang "Chanson Triste" (French for "Sorrowful Song") I think I did fair, but I was incredibly nervous! But, the important thing is that I did it! I sing in another recital in a week! I'm very excited! During our rehearsal, Brother Hopkin announced that BYU won their basketball game by 7! A few of the girls yelled "Oh yeah! They got Jimmered!"; a few of the men there gave us silly looks. They looked almost surprised that we even knew about Jimmer!

This weekend, I also have the wonderful opportunity to be home this weekend! It's great! I'm getting a lot done and just getting the opportunity to relax a little bit! Tomorrow I head back, and almost as soon as I get back I have another rehearsal; but this one is for Conference Choir. Men's Choir, Women's Choir, Vocal Union, Collegiate Singers, and about 70 other students who auditioned are going to sing in the Saturday afternoon session of General Conference in a few weeks! I am so excited! I get to share my testimony with the entire world via music! Oh man, this is going to be amazing!

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