Sunday, March 6, 2011

A weekend of firsts!

Yesterday I went to Winger's for the first time with Brandon, Cassandra, and Alan. It was amazing! They have awesome food there! I got their sticky fingers! I'll tell you what, I really want to go there again! After that, Brandon and I went to the BYU Idaho Choir and BYU Men's Chorus concert! What amazing, talented young men we've got here (and at BYU of course). We've been working on a birthday gift for Brandon's sister, Jen, and we just about finished it last night. In case she reads this blog, I won't disclose what it is! But, I will say this . . . it's awesome!

Also yesterday I went shopping for General Conference choir clothing. I needed a "jewel toned", button-up, long-sleeved or 3/4 of a sleeve blouse and some new black shoes (my other ones broke, the heel came off). So, we went and I got some black heels and a shirt! That's right, I said heels. They're about 4 inches! I wore them last night to the concert and I was rather proud of myself . . . I didn't fall or trip or anything of the sort! So, it was my first time wearing heels! Ha ha, Brandon was a little concerned about me falling and such. He continued to tell me to "hold on for dear life"! Oh yeah, another first for this week is that I am finally starting to kick my habit of biting my nails! I've gone 3 (three) days without biting my nails!! Anna would be so proud, seeing has how she was always the one that would smack my hand if I was biting them.

Another first happened just a couple of hours ago; I did my laundry, in the bath tub! "Why?" you ask; because I didn't have any quarters yesterday, but I really needed to do laundry! So, I figured I have the detergent, I have a tub, I have hangers that I can hang my wet clothes on . . . why not? So, I just finished doing a few items of clothing because I didn't want to do them all. It wasn't really that bad either. I filled the tub with water and detergent and put some clothes in there to soak for about 20 minutes. Then I went and gently scrubbed the clothing. After that, I rinsed them like crazy and then hung them up to dry in my bedroom. I wouldn't want to do it every day, but it wasn't too bad.

Another first that happened this week, I got my first kiss!!! It was great! We had just done homework and watched a movie at Brandon's place. He walked me home and when we said good-night we hugged, like we typically do. When I backed away, he didn't let go. I remember thinking "Uh-oh, here it comes! What do I do?" and having a slight panic attack! In the end, it felt natural and it wasn't as scary as I made it up to be in my mind! It was great!


  1. Now you can relate to your dad having his laundry done in a creek in the mountains of Ecuador. :)

  2. Yeah, I doubt I'll be doing it again any time soon. It was a good experience, however I enjoy washers and dryers a lot! ;o)
