Sunday, April 17, 2011

Get Connected!

Well, spring break is nearing its end and I'm feeling incredibly prepared for next semester. If you would have asked me a week ago, I may have told you otherwise. This past week has been such an uplifting and building one for me! The first few days of spring break were spent cleaning, practicing, and enjoying Cami's company. One of the days I remember talking to Cami about how little children are so imaginative! I had watched "Finding Neverland" and I started to remember when I was little and use to imagine I was a wizard or a pirate and go on grand adventures! We were talking about why we didn't do that anymore; we never really did come up with an answer. The next day we watched a five year old girl, Sienna, who was just a big ball of energy! She was so excited to do anything and everything! We played a few games--Candy Land, and Shutes and Ladders--we made a fort, we pretended to be monsters, we had tickle fights, and then we watched a movie. After those few hours, I understood why we didn't do things like that anymore . . . it's exhausting! But it was so much fun!

Wednesday is when my schedule really started to pick-up! I went in to get ready to help in the office and start my job, but they didn't need me to work that day. Instead, they needed me to be an I-Rep. Without hesitation I took it! I didn't really realize that I would be giving up five days of working . . . but I think I would have accepted it anyway! It has been absolutely incredible! That day was the most fun I've had in a long time! I mean it was so physically demanding that I loved it! We played games--things like "Tree, Rock, Bridge"; "The Sponge Game"; and several others--were taught what our responsibilities were as I-Reps and I-Team leaders. During lunch we had a banner competition. We were each given a long sheet of paper and a theme and we had to make a banner for it! The theme was "BYU-Idaho". This is what ours looked like:

We decided to make a time-line that showed the stages of a young man from pre-mi (before his mission) to his marriage. I do believe we were tied for first. Since we tied, we had to do rock-paper-scissors to determine who would get to choose our talent show talent. We, unfortunately, lost. However, we got the song anyway! So, we ended up re-writing the words to "O, Holy Night" so that it applied to a Freshman. I ended up dictating it and it turned out pretty good. I'm not going to lie, I was so tired by the end of the day I just wanted to go to bed! As soon as I got home, I crashed! I just went straight to bed I was so tired!

Thursday was just as eventful, if not more-so! We did a scavenger hunt all over campus . . . but our wrists were tied together! It was absolutely insane! (By the way, when I say "we" I'm talking about my mentor group. It's a group of I-Reps and I-Team leaders) We ran all over campus; from the Taylor to the Hart, to the Library, back to the Taylor, into the top of the gardens, and back down to the Taylor. We took third place in getting back! It was incredibly difficult, but also incredibly funny! I don't know if you've ever tried running around a college campus with your wirsts tied together, but it's difficult! One of these days I'll get some pictures of it.

That day we also participated in the Spirit challenge. We were blind-folded and taken to a part of campus that I wasn't quite sure of; I mean, I had an idea, but I wasn't 100% sure that I was right. Before we started, I knelt down and prayed that I would receive an answer to any questions I had. In particular about staying in the Fall. I kept feeling like I was going to stay, but I continued to have doubts in my mind about it. I prayed that I would feel peace and that if I wasn't meant to stay it would be quite obvious. Also, since our theme was "Walk in His ways", I prayed that I would know how to do that in ways that I haven't been. Right after that, the music started. That scary, worldly, music that talked about child pornography, teen pregnancies, murders, news reports about how people were angry about what Elder Oaks said, and so on. I knew that I needed to move, but I wasn't sure where. I strained my ears, because I knew that I needed to listen for the prophets voice. To be honest, I heard the strangest thing. As I listened, I heard dissonance--the sound of two notes clashing together--and I knew that something was wrong. It was cool! I knew exactly where I needed to go because the Spirit cannot dwell where there is more love for the world than God. I went toward where I heard the dissonance and I found President Uchtdorf's voice speaking to me about air planes! I also found the iron rod and followed it. I never let go; there were times when I stumbled and fell, but I continued to climb up the hill. At one point, I needed to walk through pine trees. That worried me a little bit because I am allergic to pine needles, but I continued to go upward. When I made it to the top and was welcomed "home" the hymn "Be Still My Soul". I felt an overwhelming sensation of peace about life and continuing school in the Fall. I know that everything will be alright and everything will work out for the better. I'm very excited about it!

Get Connected started the next day and it has been so rewarding. It started off really slow; we were registering at North and South Gate. Unfortunately, those are the newer complexes and they don't have a lot of new students there. What was even worse was that whenever we would ask students if we could help them move in they would decline us in a very rude way! They would say things like "No, I don't need your help." It killed me! That was why I was there at that moment, I wanted to help! After several hours three people let us help them move in. I was very excited about that! These past few days have been incredibly rewarding! I love this program with all my heart! It's a fantastic way to serve and it's so enjoyable!

Friday, April 8, 2011

"Spring" break

Wow, we've gotten about half an inch of snow within the past few days! I think Rexburg is a little confused . . . but it's okay because we've been getting a bit of rain too. Oh well, life goes on. So, yesterday was quite an adventurous day! Okay, not really but I had to make it sound exciting some how! But, I did try out of the BYU Idaho Collegiate Singers for the first time since I've been up here! I feel pretty good about it. I went in and was going to sing the piece I sang in juries, but he stopped me and asked if I could sing a hymn (he was sick of jury pieces ha ha). So instead, I sang "How Great Thou Art". I felt pretty good about it, and then we did some range checks and he asked what part Sister Ashby had me singing in choir. When I told him Alto II I knew that I should have warmed up my lower range. For some odd reason, I was so concerned about the higher end that I warmed that area up more. Anyway, then we did some a-tonal fragments (when he plays random notes and then I sing them back to him). I felt utterly ridiculous on one of them because there was one interval that I wasn't getting; unfortunately I had to do it three times to finally get it right! Goodness gracious! Then it was onto the sight singing; that went insanely well! The only thing that bothered me was that there was a C-sharp and a D-flat right next to each other (those are the same notes)! So, I sang "li" and then "te" up a whole step. After I sang through the whole thing, I looked at it and said "Brother Kempton, 'li' and 'te' are the same notes!" He smiled and said "Yep, that's part of the test!" Ha ha, I failed that part I guess! But I stayed in key and I was pretty darn excited about it!

Last night was awesome as well. I went over to my friend Cami's (Cambira) and we made cinnamon rolls and sweet and sour chicken and watched Emma. Cassandra came over a little later and oh my goodness it was an awesome girls night! I love my girls!!! After a little while Cassandra and I went to Kiwi Loco to get free yogurt (it was their grande opening and were giving out free yogurt) and then went to her apartment and watched The Wedding Planner. I still haven't seen the entire thing, but what I saw of it was pretty funny! Helen, who lives with Cassandra, came home and joined us part way through. She has the wonderful opportunity today to go to the temple to get ready for her mission! I am so excited for her and she was absolutley exstatic last night! Oh man, I will tell you what!!!

Then today has just been a day of cleaning for me. I don't have that much to do and so I'm just kind of taking my time and making sure that things are looking good. My bedroom looks awesome! I love the feeling you get after you clean about how amazing everything is. Within a few days, all of your work is kind of ruined . . . but oh well! That won't happen this time. I'm the only one of my roommates that is staying here over the week break, so I have to keep it as clean as humanly possible. We'll see how I do!

Where's the "start" button?

Update from Conference:

I just got back to Rexburg after being home for Conference weekend. I had the remarkable opportunity to sing in the Saturday afternoon session of conference. I was to be there between 10:30-10:45am and the session didn't start until 2:00. I understand now why we were called to be there so early. We practiced for a little bit, they gave us lunch (which included a cheese stick, fruit snacks, a bottle of water, and some carrots), then they moved us to the choir loft and we practiced some more in there. Can I just say the pipes are HUGE!!!! And the conference center is smaller than I thought it was. I was surprised that the choir seats seated as many as they did; I thought for sure it would seat more.

We sang and after the conference all of the General Authorities turned around and gave us two thumbs up. We decided that it was something that they learned in the G.A. (General Authority) training. Elder Bednar came up and talked to Bro. Kempton and Sis. Ashby, it was very touching to see them and to have him give us a thumbs up as well! Then Sister Elaine S. Dalton came and told us we did "amazingly" and that she could feel the spirit very strongly. Again, very touching and we were excited to see them come up. Then our very own President Clark came up; we we all so excited! I think that that is kind of funny, mostly because we see him every Tuesday. However, we were more excited to see him than we were the other two (not that we weren't excited to see the other two, but . . . you know). He gave us a "thumbs up", smiled, told us that the spirit was very strong and that he was very proud of us. I remember feeling like he was like my father for a moment (it couldn't replace my real Dad saying it, but again, you know what I mean). As he walked away, he turned back to us and said "Good luck on finals!" Ha ha, oh my goodness it was brilliant!

The rest of the weekend was pretty great as well! I got to have donuts with my family for the first time in a long time after Priesthood session! I feel silly, because I didn't get any pictures! But it sounded like Priesthood session was absolutely brilliant! It was a lot of fun to get to spend time with my family and to feel the spirit and listen to the prophets voice. I then came home Sunday after the afternoon session. It was a very enjoyable ride with somebody that I feel is like my sister up here, Cassandra. I absolutely love her and we have an amazing discussion as we drove. I feel truly blessed that we have met and became great friends. I feel that I've experienced some things in my life so that I could help her and vice versa. God truly does put people in our life for a reason! I love it!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Finals week

What a week! Monday was busy, as always, but it was the first day of finals week! I only had one test that day, but it was a test in multiple parts. I did the dictation part of my FINAL Musicianship test ever!!! Oh man, it was exciting! I got 91% on it! Then Tuesday yesterday is where it all started! I had my jury at 9:30 and I didn't do too badly. I chose to sing "Chanson Triste" by Henri Duparc and then they picked "Quella Fiamma". I didn't do poorly on either of them, in fact I sang quite well! In "Quella" though, I accidentally repeated a part three times instead of twice! But, I continued to move on and act as if nothing happened! Apparently, I did really well! I'll find out soon if I passed or not. Then I took the written part of my Musicianship IV test, again the last one EVER!!! I found out that I got 98%! I was amazed!!! I also had the opportunity to go to two AMAZING recitals last night! One was Emily Riggs, I don't know her that well, but I've always enjoyed listening to her sing! Her voice is so gorgeous and what a range she has! She would go from her whistle to her chest and it was incredible! It got me really excited to do my recital in the future! The other recital I went to was my friend Eli Hopkin's. Again, amazing! It kind of hit me yesterday that he was leaving Y-I, but he's going to do great things out there! One day when he's famous I'll be able to say "He was my brother, friend, and tutor!" Ha ha, one day!

That brings me to today; today marked a big day in history . . . I graduated Musicianship! Like, I'm done forever!!! We had sparkling cider, the graduation march, and t-shirts to celebrate!

Those are our incredible shirts; I feel the need to explain the back though. Modus Novas was our sight singing book this semester. It was all a-tonal music which is new for all of us. In semesters past we would use the Berkowitz book; it was completely tonal! So, we decided that "Two houses divided could not stand . . ." and that it was going to throw off all of music (it needs to fall eventually, right?). So, we put that on the back of our shirts. The reason we have it written in German and Swiss as well is because in Modus everything is written in those three languages: German, Swiss, and English. It was funny! It's been a good semester and I'm excited for next! I will be working two jobs (one as an Office Assitant for Get Connected [Freshmen orientation] and also as a mentor for basic musicianship), I will hopefully be in the Collegiate singers, taking classes, having fun, you know the usual! I get to stay in the Burg during Spring break, so we'll see what grand adventures I have during that time!

Friday, April 1, 2011

It's the "Finals" countdown!

Oh my goodness, finals are next week! This semester has gone by so quickly, and so has this past week! On Monday I was put on vocal rest because of my 16 hours of rehearsing last week. My voice was tired and just dead! For the most part, everybody was supportive of me in this near impossible feat (I wasn't supposed to speak/sing for 2-3 days)! But it was awesome! On Tuesday I went to the Collegiate Singers Tour Concert! A-MAZ-ING!!!! Keisha sang a few solos--"I Know the Lord Will Make a Way" and "Use Me Lord"--and half way through the concert I realized that this would be Keisha's last performance here at BYU Idaho! It weirded me out for a few minutes! After the show, Kelsey (my roommate), Tyler, Christina, Cassandra, Courtney, and I went to Twizlberry for a much needed break! It was great!

Wednesday night was a BLAST! I went to the Sound Alliance/Vocal Union concert. It was set up like a jazz swing club! There was room in the front (we were in the Hart Auditorium) for dancing, a section in the middle for tables and eating, and then a section in the back for audience seating. A few of my friends and I sat at the tables, it was incredible! After Vocal Union sang their first few pieces, Sound Alliance started to play one of my favorite jazz songs, "In the Mood". I looked at Cami and exclaimed how much I loved this song! Next thing I knew, I saw Eli run up to me and ask me if I wanted to dance. Cameo looked at me in a way that said 'If you don't go dance with him, I'll slap you!' I would have gone anyway, but it was good to have tha extra encouragement.  We went towards the front of the auditorium and I started to get nervous. He seemed to notice because he asked me if I was. I told him that I was use to being the "man" in these situations and was afraid that I would lead. In all honesty, it was fairly easy to follow him. He taught me how to swing and we would warn me when he was going to "throw things at me". It was awesome!

Later that night, I also danced with my friends husband! Ha, she's currently 7-8 months pregneant and can't dance to the fast songs. So, on the faster songs she'd lean over to her husband and tell him to ask her friends to dance. It was funny! Neither of us really knew what we were doing, but half way through the song we got it! I looked at him and exclaimed "Stuart, we're doing it!" He, fortunately, shared in my enthusiasm! It was quite and exhilarating performance! We talked to Sister Brower (the conductor for Vocal Union) about doing this every semester! Hopefully she'll consider it. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot! One of my friends ripped his pants while dancing! It was one of the funniest things I had ever seen. One minute he was dancing across the room, next thing I know the girl he was dancing with comes over busting her gut! He followed shortly after, his knees were rather close together. We asked what had happened and the girl, Tessa, said "He ripped his pants!!!!" and continued to go on laughing! His face started to flush and he smiled weakly. Another highlight of the night ha ha!

Yesterday was great as well! I had a great voice lesson, the last one of this semester, and I got a lot done. Last night, I didn't do anything! I finished all of the homework I could, that didn't require a laptop because my friend was using mine, and when I got home I didn't have anything to do. I even finished homework for next week! Yeah, I was slightly surprised! So, last night my roommates and I watched Toy Story 3 and it was a blast! Again, another evening that I really needed; an evening that I could just kick back and relax! It was great! Today will be fairly chill, I'm heading home so I will be home this weekend for Conference. I have the blessed opportunity to sing in the Saturday afternoon session with the BYU Idaho mixed choirs; man I am so excited!!!!