Friday, June 10, 2011

"How Will They Know?"

Yesterday we had devotional and it was incredible. The Collegiate Singers sang the song "How Will They Know" and it was beautiful! I could feel the spirit so strongly as we sang! Brother Kempton, at the beginning of the song, changed the words from "Mother . . . Father" to "Teacher". Every time I sang this, I would kind of direct it toward him. He didn't know that, nor did I ever tell him. Yesterday, during the presentation in devotional, I sang the line "Teacher, will you care for me?" and his smile broadened and and he nodded at me. I felt an overwhelming sense of love from him at that moment, and also from my Heavenly Father. I loved it!

Today we had our first choir concert! A-MAY-ZING!!!! We sang :"Revecy"; "Neckerein" (spelling?); "How Will They Know?"; "Ave Verum Corpus"; "Peace"; "Blow Ye The Trumpet"; and "Saints Bound for Heaven". It was absolutely exhilarating! I just love music, I'm pretty sure it's the greatest thing since sliced bread! I had the opportunity to tell my friend, Eli, about the experience I had a few weeks ago with the young lady in my ward. Eli was a little taken aback about the things she had said to me and I continued to tell him that it was all okay. When I finished my story I, for some odd reason, bore my testimony to him about music. I told him about how I was a mentor for Basic Musicianship and how excited I get when people get it! I also realized that I don't think I ever fully understood how much I love music, until now--this semester! I am so grateful for music and the influence it is in my life! I love everything about it, when it's used correctly! I can't even put into words how much I love everything right now!

Something I didn't tell Eli, but I wish I had, was that a lot of this had to do with him! All because of his faith in me and his support I continued in music. I think I've told him before, but it really is true. I've officially been accepted as a music major, and I couldn't have done it without his, or any of my other friends' support! Tomorrow evening, I have the opportunity to sing in a recital. I'm incredibly nervous . . . but I'm also incredibly excited about sharing my talent and developing it more.

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