Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Schubert, Schumann, and Verdi

Goodness, this week has been absolutely amazing! I can't tell you how tired I am, but it's a "good" tired! I didn't really get a good rest last weekend due to performances, homework, etc. This past week was really busy as well. Part of my job included mapping out the inventory . . . and I finished! At least with rooms 203 and 215! I'm so excited, and the map looks good too!

Not only that, but I had my listening test for Music Lit. II yesterday. I was so nervous about it . . . but I got 23/24! The test consists of Sister McNiven (my teacher) playing a 30 second clip of a song/symphony/lieder (German art song) and we would have to say the title of the piece, the composer, and the genre (lieder, lieder cycle, symphony, program symphony, etc.) The last time I took a test like this, I didn't do very well! But this one went incredibly well! I just mixed up one of the String Quartets and put Beethoven instead of Mendelssohn. I was so excited, 95%!!!!

On Wednesday, I went to a faculty recital; they sang nothing but Verdi songs!! It was AWESOME!!!! The "cast" consisted of Sister Michelle Broadbent, Sister Melissa Fife (I really don't know her that well if at all), Sister Katelynd Blake, Brother David Peck, Brother Andrew Peck (my voice teacher), and Brother Linford! It was such a cool presentation! It definitely made me fall in love with Verdi even more! His music is absolutely amazing! It was cool to listen to the men's roles verses the women's roles. The women had more virtuosity in their voices and the men's didn't have as much. It was cool! Verdi wrote the women's roles so that they would be going into almost all of their registers. They would go from their head to whistle down to chest voice! It was so cool . . . I want to do a Verdi piece!!!! I am pretty sure that I don't have that kind of voice . . . but I'd like to do one nonetheless.

This week is going to be awesome! It's currently 12:21 in the afternoon and I am done with homework for today through Friday!! I'm really excited!! The only thing I'm going to have to do is a group project (tomorrow evening), and then practice!! I'm so excited!!!

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