Sunday, June 5, 2011

Decisions, decisions . . .

This past weekend was a blast! It was a three day weekend, but I went home a day earlier. I went home Thursday evening for a funeral Friday morning. It was a beautiful funeral; somebody referred to it as a "home coming"! I thought that that was the coolest thought ever! For most people, it's the end when someone leaves this world; but just to have that reminder that he's home now was so comforting. I absolutely loved it!

The rest of the weekend was pretty chill! I got to spend a lot of time with my sister-in-law, Nini, and it was great. Dairy Keen got these incredible new machines with 106 different drink options! Crazy? Absolutely! But they sure are spiffy! We also played this game, as a family, called "Boggle". It's a spelling/word game; you shake up this cube with a lot of random letters in it. Then, from that you try to find as many words as you can within a certain amount of time. Nini destroyed all of us! But I feel that I did fairly well; I wasn't doing well at first . . . then I started getting a hold of the game. It was a blast!

I also had the opportunity to see a few of my friends at Dairy Keen; Matt and Michael Clegg. I didn't know that Michael was home . . . but he is! He made our ice cream cones I believe; at least he was out when we went up to get them. I spoke with him for several minutes, it was a lot of fun! Later, I was sitting with Ben and Anna at a booth and I saw Matt come out and look around for somebody. I wanted to go over and say hello, but I didn't because I was sure he was looking for Kim or Jan. He went back into the back and then came back out, still looking for someone. We made eye contact and he enthusiastically waved to me! I waved back and he walked away. Apparently, Deborah had told Matt and Michael that I was there; so they came out and said hello. It was awesome!

Sunday was quite enjoyable as well! I went and sang with my family wards' choir. We sang "A Marvelous Work", it was quite fun! I was sight reading the alto part, but I feel that I did fairly well with that. Then I went over to the singles' ward and that was quite fun as well. After Sunday school my friend Jenny and I spoke for several minutes. I saw Devin walking around behind Jenny quite aimlessly. Then he came over and he put his arm around me. I was slightly taken aback because, well, he'd never done that before. We exchanged hello's and he proceeded to ask "Did I ever thank you for the hymn book you gave me before my mission?" I told him that I couldn't remember (after all, it had been about two and half years ago). He continued, "Well, I wanted to thank you for it. I used it every day on my mission! It's all yellow and marked up . . . so, thank you." I was truly touched! It was so exciting to me to hear that he used it. I remember when I gave it to him, I pictured him chucking it onto his bed and leaving it in Utah whilst he was in Argentina. But he used it! Not only that, but he marked it up!!!! Oh my goodness, the power of music is awesome! I love it!

So, I've made a huge decision . . . despite that fact that I really want to, I'm not going to stay in the fall. I didn't account for how burned-out I would feel after this semester. I'm so tired and slightly stress (although I feel better now). I got a blessing from my dad while I was home this weekend. I was feeling very stressed, overwhelmed, and slightly frustrated (okay, the frustrated part is an understatement). In the blessing, I was told that the decision I was trying to make was a decision between two "good's". Both of the decisions (to stay in the fall or to go home) were good decisions. I really just needed to choose what would be best for me. Because of how important next semester will be (it'll be my pre-recital semester) I will need to have as much energy as possible, and I am already feeling burned-out.  It isn't a huge deal, but it is something that I've been thinking and praying about a lot; and I feel good about this decision. I'm grateful that I was able to feel the spirit strongly comfort me when I made this decision. I truly feel a peace about it that I hadn't before! Life is good! =)

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