So, for the past few days I've had the wonderful opportunity to go with some of the sisters in my Relief Society to the Coomb's cabin in Dingle, Idaho (it's right there by Bear Lake). We were out on the lake on Friday from 11:00am-5:00pm and it was a blast! For the first few hours I threw a frisbee around with a few others. After I ate lunch I got back into the water and played some more. Right before we left, while I was still in the water, I started to think about Peter walking on water with Christ. I was still in the water and started pushing on it in funny ways imagining how Peter and Christ walked on the water. It was nothing short of a miracle and faith! I read that scripture today where it talked about this experience and in verse thirty it talks about how Peter saw all of the chaos that was going on around him and that is when he started to sink. He had taken his eye off of the Lord for only a second and began to sink. I started to contemplate my own life and how I can look to Christ more completely, instead of every-so-often. (Matt. 14:27-33) I also like in verse 33 when they recognize that "Of a truth thou art the Son of God.". Christ truly is the son of God, and I am a daughter of God. I know that He loves me and I'm so grateful for the little tender mercies he gives me in my life. I believe that, if the Lord desired it, I could walk on water. It's a crazy thought, but if I had the faith and looked to God and He desired that I walked on the water, I believe I could!
After that thought, I looked at the water I could feel, see, and
hear music. I'm not talking about people paying music on the beach, I'm talking about music of the lake, of God. It was beautiful! All of the waves had a different pitch but contributed to the symphony of sounds that I was hearing. Every wave had an important role in the music too, even looking at each large wave I could see that there were even smaller ripples/waves in that wave. It was an incredible experience. I realized that I am one of those waves and I am important. It's funny how water can make you think something like that, but I just couldn't help but feel so overwhelmingly blessed at that moment. God has truly blessed me with so much, including His love and His son. My mind then wandered and I thought that moments in my life are like that too. All of these smaller moments add up to bigger moments and it moves me more. Or blessings in my life; God gives me huge blessings, but He also gives me little tender mercies every day of my life. I am truly grateful for the love God gives and
shows me. Too often I overlook the small and simple because I want the big and great. But all of the big and great come
from the small and simple.
Saturday morning, at 6:00, Melissa, Kellie, Denise, and I went to the lake to watch the sun rise. Unfortunately, I wasn't actually out
on the lake as the sun rose; but I did experience a wonderful peace fall over me. Kellie and I went out and had a beautiful talk that I truly needed to hear. She shared a quote with me that goes like this: "
Receiving is not about hard work; it is about willingness. It is not about making it happen; it is about letting it happen. To receive is not about labor, effort, and sweat; it's about surrender." ~Robert Holden. Maybe this is TMI, but there are times in my life when I feel that I don't deserve the love of other people. And yet I do deserve it. I am a daughter of the most high God, the creator of heaven and earth. There is no reason why I shouldn't deserve love from somebody else whether it's friends or family. I'm so grateful for the love of my friends and my family and their constant support.
This was the sunset we saw on our way to Dingle, ID |
The Coomb's cabin |
At Bear Lake! |
I Love You! |
There is a young sister in our ward fighting cancer, so we wrote this in the sand and took a picture of all of us behind it and sent it to her. |
Sarah I just want you to know that I consider myself extremely blessed to be able to say that I know who you are. You are such an example to me.
ReplyDeleteLizzy, I can say the same thing about you! Thank you so much for your continual positive attitude, for your constant love, and for being a great example to me of what I strive to be! I love you tons Lizzy!!! =D