Monday, August 13, 2012

Did you ever know that you're my hero?

I've been thinking a lot about the wonderful people in my life and the wonderful examples they are to me. Sadly there isn't a lot of space to put every hero I have down, but here are a few that I admire and why they are heros to me.

First are my parents. They have both been such powerful examples of what I want to be and what I can be. My Mom is one of, if not the, strongest person I know. She's gone through a lot in her life, and yet she still holds fast to her testimony and that God loves her. My Dad has also been a wonderful example of the man that I hope to one day marry; he's a good worker who puts the Lord first in his life. Both have taught me to work hard and to love with all of my heart. They have also taught me to put the Lord first in my life, before everything else. There are times when I struggle with that, but through their testimony and experiences of my own I have learned that when I do put the Lord first in my life, He truly does bless me.
My Mom and Dad
Another hero of mine is Emma Smith. In this particular picture it is both her and Joseph (Joseph is another hero of mine, but I want to focus on Emma for a few minutes). For some reason I've been thinking a lot about Emma Smith; she was such a strong and courageous woman! I think about all of the things that Joseph, her husband, had to go through to bring about the church and how hard it was on him. Then I remember that Emma was there for a lot of it too and had other trials as well. One of my favorite instances of her faith is right before Joseph goes to Carthage jail; both Joseph and Emma know that he isn't coming back. Emma asked Joseph to give her a blessing before he left in the morning. He then asked her to write down the blessing that she desired and it would be hers. This is the blessing she wrote down:

“First of all that I would crave as the richest of heaven’s blessings would be wisdom from my Heavenly Father bestowed daily, so that whatever I might do or say, I could not look back at the close of the day with regret, nor neglect the performance of any act that would bring a blessing. I desire the Spirit of God to know and understand myself, that I desire a fruitful, active mind, that I may be able to comprehend the designs of God, when revealed through his servants without doubting. I desire a spirit of discernment, which is one of the promised blessings of the Holy Ghost.

I particularly desire wisdom to bring up all the children that are, or may be committed to my charge, in such a manner that they will be useful ornaments in the Kingdom of God, and in a coming day arise up and call me blessed.

I desire prudence that I may not through ambition abuse my body and cause it to become prematurely old and care-worn, but that I may wear a cheerful countenance, live to perform all the work that I covenanted to perform in the spirit-world and be a blessing to all who may in any wise need aught at my hands.

I desire with all my heart to honor and respect my husband as my head, ever to live in his confidence and by acting in unison with him retain the place which God has given me by his side, and I ask my Heavenly Father that through humility, I may be enabled to overcome that curse which was pronounced upon the daughters of Eve. I desire to see that I may rejoice with them in the blessings which God has in store for all who are willing to be obedient to his requirements. Finally, I desire that whatever may be my lot through life I may be enabled to acknowledge the hand of God in all things.”

"Thou art an elect lady" D&C 25:5
What an amazing blessing to have! I believe that this truly shows Emma's character and the desire of her heart. I love what is says about her in Doctrine and Covenants 25 as well; I love so much learning about her and her strength and ability to love everybody! These two women, my mom and Emma Smith, are who I want to be like. They are continually striving to be close to God, to always have His spirit with them, and to be the best they can. That is who I want to be!

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