Sunday, August 26, 2012

He Gives Flower to Everyone

I just wanted to share a song that touched me this morning. I had the blessed opportunity to go to my dear friend, Carrisa's, farewell. First of all, I'd like to say how proud I am of her and she is going to do a fantastic job serving the people in the Philippines! As I was driving and enjoying the beauty of God's creation this song began to play. I want to testify that I everything we go through is for our good. In the song ("He Gives Flowers to Everyone" by Cherie Call) the young sister, in the song, is struggling with being single (which is something that I struggle with sometimes). As I sat and listened to the words, I had several different thoughts. Here are the words:

"She didn't try to catch the bouquet
She knows it's not her turn, and it's okay
Usually it doesn't even cross her mind
That's what she likes to tell her friends anyway
But she can finally say, maybe it was for the best
And there are lots of things she hasn't even missed
Now and then she starts to feel alone
But then she looks outside
She knows she's got roses of her own

Cause He gives flowers to everyone
Not just the girlfriends or the brides
He sees the beauty deep inside
And He gives flowers to everyone

She hangs up the green satin dress
She laughs at how they're always out of style
It was just like all the others in the line
And when they asked her she told them
She'd never been more fine
But still she wonders what it would be like
To talk to someone when she gets home late at night
Sometimes she likes to pray out loud
That's when she knows she's not the only girl alone in a crowd

Cause He gives flowers to everyone
Not just the clever or the elegant
Her cares will never be irrelevant
He gives flowers to everyone

And when they're out of season, she has snow
And when she's in the desert where they hardly ever grow
He gives her diamonds in the midnight sky
Season after season, His love will never die

He gives flowers to everyone
Not just the mothers and the wives
He sees the beauty in our lives
And He gives flowers to everyone"

One of the thoughts that I had was actually something that my incredibly insightful friend, Kellie, taught me. Last year, as Kellie taught one of the Relief Society lessons, she said "I am learning things that I could learn most effectively by being single. My twin sister is learning some of those same lessons while she is married because that is what is most effective for her." I think I thought that because that is something that I'm currently trying to grasp and understand. God has things for me to learn that will be most effective for me in my life while I'm single.

The other thought I had was about tender mercies in my life. I've written about a few, but I'm beginning to notice how much God's hand is truly in my life. I've come to love sunsets and sunrises, and they have become a wonderful gift from God. They are a continual reminder to me of His love for me. I especially love the bridge where Cherie sings: "And when they're out of season [the flowers], she has snow. And when she's in the desert where they hardly ever grow, He gives her diamonds in the midnight sky. Season after season, His love will never die." Even amongst trials, where flowers cannot grow, God finds ways for us to be uplifted and edified. He blesses us with "diamonds in the midnight sky", wonderful friends who are a continual support when times are hard, a loving family who doesn't judge you because of some mistakes that you make. I (and all who read this, and even those who don't read it) are beloved sons and daughters of God. That means so much to me, to truly know that I am a child of God, He is my Father. I'm grateful for the wonderful flowers that He gives me every day, whether they be eloquent roses or small forget-me-nots, He blesses me every day!
Picture I got online

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