Friday, April 12, 2013

"Do You Like Monet?"

Well, I'm officially done with my finals, clean checks, and ninth semester of school! I almost can't believe it! I will be walking in July and I couldn't be more excited about it! However, I'd like to take a second and recall my jury! I was incredibly nervous--as always--but my voice teacher, Brother Peck, comforted me a lot the weeks prior to my jury.

The morning of (which was yesterday, April 11) I decided that I wouldn't go to the gym because I wanted to make sure I had plenty of rest so that I could sing my best. I still got up a bit early so that I wouldn't feel rushed at all. My jury was at 10:30 am and I was nervous, but excited! As I went in to sing I made sure that I looked over at Sister Broadbent and Brother Olsen so that we could start a small conversation (it eases my mind when we start talking). So, we cracked a couple of jokes and then I began to sing. I knew that I was flat and sharp on some notes, but I felt that I did really well. I could feel my sound echo all around the Barrus Concert Hall . . . I had completely filled it! After I sang Brother Peck gave me a thumbs up to encourage me!

Brother Olsen was then asked to pick the second piece I would sing . . . he picked "Recordare" from Verid's Requiem. That's a duet that I'm singing with the incredibly talented Sydney Bentley. We had practiced a little bit earlier and she felt kind of nervous about singing it (singing it the morning doesn't agree with her is what she says). I felt really good about it! I, again, knew there were some trouble spots, but overall it was really good! I gave Sydney a pat on the back when we finished to thank her and tell her good job.

Now, the next part is the part I was really nervous about! At the end of our juries they typically ask us about a specific story line or what the translation is for a specific piece. I knew all of the translations and stories for my pieces, but that didn't mean that I was ready for any question! Immediately after we finished singing Brother Olsen said "Now Sarah, I just have one question for you. I was glancing over your recital paper and it says that 'Debussy is the Monet of music'." I immediately felt my stomach drop . . . what if he asked me about a detail from those pieces? I didn't study those as well as I could have so that I could recall it from memory! I had the pieces in front of me while I was writing the paper!

Brother Olsen continued, "So here's my question for you Sarah; do you like Monet?" It took me a moment to process that he had just asked me if I liked Monet! Then I started over-thinking: Is he asking if I like the painter or "money"? So, I figured I would be safe and I responded "I love Monet!" Brother Olsen smiled and replied, "That is the correct answer!" He then went on to quote Brian Regan's routine about Art: "Do you like Monet? I love Money! I spent a lot of Money when I was in Paris!" I died! It was the best jury I've ever had!

A few hours after my jury I went in and found out that Brother Kempton wants me to conduct the Collegiate Singers for the first week of classes while he's in Ghana. I am so excited!!! We get to learn two pieces in three days before Brother Kempton gets back! We're singing in the CES Fireside on May 5 so we have to get to work! Again, I'm so excited!!

After I spoke to him I went in and I spoke to Brother Peck (I really wanted to know what the jury thought of my singing). He told me "They were floored! Brother Olsen leaned forward and said to me that he didn't know somebody could make so much progress in one semester!" He then proceeded to tell me that I "passed with flying colors!" Yesterday was such a stupendous day! I'm so grateful for all of the experiences that I've had this semester and the opportunity that I've had to grow! Semester nine . . . DONE!! Now I begin my tenth--and final--semester here at BYU-Idaho! To life! :D

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