Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Beginning of the End

Okay, so that sounded so dramatic . . . but I liked it! Tomorrow is my first day of my last semester here in Rexburg. It's really bitter-sweet, but I'm excited to move on in my life! I drove up here yesterday to help with choir auditions and they were slow! We think there are a few contributing factors to this:

1. Spring semester; we usually don't have as many people in the spring in general.
2. Missionary age change; students that normally would be coming back are heading out on missions (not all, but a lot of them). I was talking to Sister Ashby about it yesterday and it was funny how we both stated that we're so grateful for these students going out on missions! They are going to be incredible missionaries; but, we're going to miss their voices here at BYU-Idaho.

Anyway, while we were waiting for people to come audition I had a chance to speak with Brother Olsen, Brother Brower, Sister Ashby, Sister Coates, and Neil White. I don't think I'd ever laughed so hard before! It was a riot! We heard stories from Brother Brower about what he was like when he was a student here at Y-I (or Rick's when he was here) and then about what it was like being the Collegiate Singer's director. One of the things he said he didn't miss was "dealing with the women's fashion, men are so much easier to clothe!" Ha, it was hilarious!

Well, I'm all moved into my apartment again and I think it's going to be an awesome semester! There are only four of us in here (instead of the usual six). You know what that means? Yes, I have my own room!! Ha, I'm not sure why I'm so excited about that, but I am. My two new roommates, Kaylyn and Kaley, are super cool. I know I'm going to have a hard time keeping their names straight, but it's okay! We all seem to get along really well, so I'm excited to see what it's like this semester!

I'm really excited about my classes this semester as well! I'm taking:
Brass Methods (it's a class where I learn how to play all of the brass instruments),
Teaching of the Living Prophets (a class where I study what has been said by our modern day prophets and apostles),
Teaching Strategies (a class about how to teach a class),
SPED360 (a class where I learn about exceptional students and how to include them in my teaching),
Junior Voice Recital (this is my voice lesson class this semester, I'm planning on doing my recital June 29)
Collegiate Singers (huzzah for choir!!!)

I'm so excited about this semester, it's going to be great!! I can already feel and see God blessing me and giving me strength for this semester. I have some goals for this semester in particular that I really want to keep up on:

1. I want to Blog at least once a week (every Sunday). I need to become a better writer, but also a better history keeper.
2. Continue to eat healthy and exercise. While I was home I didn't really exercise or eat very healthy and I literally felt sick. I've learned the importance of keeping my temple clean emotionally and mentally, now I need to work on the physically. One of the things I'm doing to help with the eating healthy is that I've started keeping a food journal (just started this morning).
3. Go to the temple once a week (Saturday mornings). I remember last year when I was doing that and it totally changed my life. Well, my life needs changing again! ;)

These are just three goals out of many, but these are the three that I'm really working on right now. A preview of my first week of classes: on Wednesday-Friday I'm actually conducting those that are currently here in the Collegiate Singers for our call back next Monday (April 29). Devotional starts this Tuesday too! Also, I'll be driving back down to Heber for the weekend to see my older brother, Stephen, graduate from BYU! Until next week, God bless!

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