Sunday, April 28, 2013

Stephen's "Bachelor" Party

Well, my brother graduated from BYU on Friday. He received his Bachelor's degree in animation and I couldn't be more excited and proud of him! I felt really bad that I couldn't be there at the graduation itself (seeing as I was conducting the Collegiate Singer's at 12:45 in Idaho and Stephen's graduation was at 11:00 in Utah). When I went in to get things ready for class I felt my phone vibrate and I looked down and saw that it was Stephen! I was ecstatic! I spoke to him for a few minutes before I began class; but I was so excited to speak to him right after he graduated.

Stephen calling me after graduation
However, I didn't miss Stephen's graduation all together! I had the opportunity to drive my Dad's car up here when I came back last week and I drove it back down after choir on Friday. I was able to see Stephen and the rest of the family and celebrate Stephen's successful education experience thus far. We went and saw the movie "The Great and Powerful Oz" The movie was alright. I'm not a huge fan of James Franco, but all the same it was good. I just really enjoyed being with my family and being there for Stephen.

Image via
I felt so terribly a few weeks ago when I found out that I had a conflict and might not be able to make it to his graduation--and Stephen felt terribly too. So, I'm grateful that I was able to spend some time with him! He's a great big brother! He's always been there for me and has been such a wonderful support in my life! I love you Brodre!! :D

This is one of my favorite pictures of my brother and I. This is from 1995 (ish)

And this is just a picture of Stephen and I at his high school graduation.
We have both grown and changed a lot!

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