Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Final Weeks :)

The finals week(s) are upon us!!! I'm really excited actually! Most of my finals aren't in the testing center, and I'll be finished with most of them by the end of this week! I don't really have a final in my Educational Psychology class, I've done the presentation final for my Reading in the Content class, my Capstone class has its final due on Saturday . . . really the only final I have is in my American Epidemic class and my Juries! However, in American Epidemic I have a test this week and then the final next week; so, that kind of stinks . . . but it's okay!

I signed up for my juries; next Thursday at 10:30am. I am incredibly nervous seeing as I don't have them really memorized (out of six I have maybe 3 really memorized) and I still need to write the paper for that too (10-15 pages on my Debussy set for my recital). My voice has grown a lot this semester--so I'm told--so I'm excited for the jury to hear my progress. However, I just hope I'm ready. I've been working really hard and it would be horrible to, yet again, fail a jury! However, I'm learning more to trust in the Lord and let Him take care of everything.

Now, I'm still striving to do my best and to work really hard; but I need to trust in the Lord with all my heart! Whatever happens the Lord's hand is in it! :D

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