Friday, June 29, 2012

'Tis a Gift to be . . .

I want to start off this post by baring testimony that God really does hear and answer our prayers. Even if it sounds "silly" to us, He cares and He answers. I was reading in my patriarchal blessing the other day and it talked about "talents and abilities" that I have. As I sat and read that, I noticed that it was plural. Well, the only thing that was coming to my mind was music. So, for the next few days I prayed that God would let me know what other talents and abilities I have so that I can start improving upon those.

A few days later, this was Wednesday night, I was talking to my friend Lindy. She is one of the greatest girls I know and I'm truly grateful for her friendship and the spirit that she carries with her! She asked me if, before I took my Light and Sound test, she could share some of her insecurities with me. Now, don't think I'm weird but I love listening to people's insecurities! It makes me feel like I can connect to them more knowing that they are human just like me! Not only that, but it gives me a chance to be selfless and help them through the spirit. As she told me about all of these insecurities she had I listened and followed the spirit to say what God would have me say.

At one point during the conversation she went upstairs (we were in the Snow building) to the vending machines, I followed. We sat in front of the vending machines as she continued to talk. In the middle of one of her thoughts she looked at me and said, "Thank you for being a good listener, that's a real gift." I was shocked for a moment; so much that I had her repeat what she said again. I looked up toward heaven and whispered "Thank you." I never thought of that as a gift! I got very gitty and excited and was just so happy that I could help!

I went and took my test (84%, woot!!!) and when I came home I started to clean up the living room. As I started I heard my name "Sarah Anderson!!!" I looked out our window and saw my friend Ben. I opened my door and started to talk to him for a minute. Before he left he shared with me a concern he had in his life. In my head I thought "Yes! I get to exercise my gift of listening!!!" He didn't know that, but it was exciting for me to know that this is a gift and I was now consciously going to practice. As he spoke I gave input when asked and just listened. Before he left he exclaimed "Thank you for being such a good listener!"

For those of you who have made it through this post, let me make something perfectly clear YOU HAVE GIFTS, TALENTS, AND ABILITIES!!!! It doesn't mean that you are a great singer, actor, artist, or anything like that. There are more to talents and gifts than just media; you could be a great "smiler", your smile brings people joy whenever they see you! You could be great at listening, cooking, understanding languages, laughing, and the list goes on! I challenge you to find talents, gifts, and abilities that you have and then exercise and start to use those gifts to help others. That's why we were given our gifts was so we could help others and bring them unto Christ. I know this is true! I'm so grateful for the talents and gifts that God has blessed me with, even the ones I don't know about! I look forward to finding out more about me and working at these gifts! =D

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