Sunday, July 8, 2012

"I Need Thee Every Hour"

This is an experience that, within the past few hours, has taught me to trust God with my whole heart. I have been called as the fourth Sunday Relief Society teacher. I have had this calling for two semesters now and I absolutely love it (I'm so sad for the end of this semester when I won't have that calling anymore)! This morning I received a text message at 10:30am asking if I was planning to give the lesson in Relief Society (just a note, it's the second Sunday, not the fourth). I responded that I wasn't because I teach the fourth Sunday. I received a quick response that "It would be AWESOME if you did  though!" I got the hint and told her that I would teach the lesson. She then continued to ask me what my favorite treat was; I told her the only thing I needed were her prayers at that time.

I studied only for a few minutes before it was time for me to go lead the practice for Ward Choir. When we got out of choir, I hurried down to the room where we meet for Sacrament meeting and put myself in a corner so that I could concentrate of the lesson I was to teach. All of Sacrament meeting the speakers were talking about missionary work and how we are all missionaries, which is kind of what the lesson was on. As I read through the George Albert Smith manual, I came to a particular quote and it reminded me of another quote in the Daughters of My Kingdom book. I searched for the quote and, when I finally found it, I felt that I needed to teach the rest of my lesson from that book. I immediately got frustrated with myself! Why would I think that? That Daughters of my Kingdom is not the George Albert Smith manual! I spoke to one of my friends about it before Sunday School (which I ended up skipping to study more for the lesson) and she talked about how I needed to continually follow the spirit. The problem was, I was feeling like I wasn't feeling the spirit! I felt like I had closed all gates for the spirit and I was cutting Him off. I went off into a room by myself and just cried. I felt so stressed and frustrated that I couldn't focus on the lesson. I went over to the piano and played hymn number 98, "I Need Thee Every Hour" and sang as I played (or tried to; it's hard to sing and cry at the same time). I then took a minute to pray and invite the spirit so that I could teach the sister's what they needed to hear.

I went back and sat by my lesson and tried organizing it again. As sister's started coming in I could feel my stomach tighten and I started to feel a little light headed. When the time came for me to give my lesson I said another prayer, praying that I would feel the spirit and that I would say what the Lord would have me say. As soon as I stood up to give the lesson a feeling of peace and calm washed over me. I literally felt as if somebody had taken a bucket and dumped water full of "calm" all over me. I began the lesson and could feel the spirit guiding me step-by-step. I felt as if the Holy Ghost was standing right next to me. As I finished the lesson and sat down, I realized how much God loves me and how I had been directed the entire time by the Holy Ghost. Even though I didn't feel that it was the Holy Ghost, it was. I, once again, began to cry a little bit. I feel that I learned much more than the sister's I taught that day.

I have a testimony that God does hear and answer prayers. I'm so grateful for this opportunity that I've had to learn more about how I can teach with the spirit. I know that God loves all of His children; He was willing to send His son to die for me. The atonement is real! There is no doubt in my mind! I have the opportunity daily to use that atonement in my life to repent of my sins, my shortcomings, and to feel comfort during my times of trials and stress. He isn't only there during my trials and pains though; He's also there during my joys and successes! God is always there for me; He succors His people. I love that the word "succor" means "to run to". Even if I run the other way, He continues to run after me, with his arms outstretched toward me inviting me to come unto Him. God is real and I am so grateful for His constant love and comfort.

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