Monday, July 30, 2012

Fall 2012 I've Never List

Alright, I really liked doing this last year so I'm going to do it again!

I've Never . . .

  • Eaten Thai Food
  • Been to a BYU Young Ambassadors Show
  • Been a complete vegetarian for a week
  • Jogged up Memorial Hill
  • Jogged 1.5 miles in less than fifteen minutes
  • Seen My Fair Lady all the way through: CHECK (Dec. 18)
Picture via

  • Taken the Praxis Test (it's a test for my teaching license): CHECK (Nov. 3)
  • Been in The Messiah: CHECK (Dec. 9-10)
This is me after my performance tonight!! My first solo ever!!! :D

  • Seen the opera Cosi fan tutte: CHECK (Oct. 24)

  • Seen the musical Les Misérables: CHECK (Oct. 27)

  • Seen the play Sleepy Hollow: CHECK (Oct. 27)

  • Been to a BYU Football Game: CHECK
Sept. 8; we won 45-13 against Weber!!!

  • Been to a YSA Camping Trip: CHECK
Kellie and I on Bear Lake in the Red Ninja!

Heber Relief Society trip to Dingle, ID

We love the Coombs!!!
  • Had a Coming to Sarah week: CHECK
Provo temple

At Bridal Veil Falls

Hopefully this list will keep growing; I'll most definitely update it throughout the fall.

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