Monday, July 30, 2012

Fall 2012 Goals

"And Jesus increased in wisdom, and stature, and in favour with God and man." Luke 2:52

My roommates and I used this scripture last semester (Spring semester) to set goals. Because we are "trying to be like Jesus" (like it says in the Primary song) we felt that we needed to increase in each of these areas as well. Wisdom, stature, favor with God, favor with man. I feel that, if I share these goals with people I will be more likely to uphold them. Here's the breakdown:


  • Less Facebook!!
  • Practice voice 90 minutes a day!
  • Practice piano more
  • Work 40 hours a week
  • Study German and French
  • Teach voice lessons


  • Eat healthy food
  • Exercise more (I  plan on doing that by learning new sports like racquetball, and playing more volleyball, basketball, etc.)
  • Improve posture (both singing and day-to-day)
  • Sleep at least eight (8) hours

Favor with God:

  • Daily scripture STUDY (mini. 20 minutes)
  • Weekly temple attendance
  • Don't just "go to church", "go to worship"
  • 24 hour fasts
  • Visiting teaching!!
  • Splits with Sister Missionaries
  • Daily prayer (at least morning and evening)

Favor with man:

  • Do something every day that scares me
  • Go to YSA activities (as often as possible)
  • Less texting
  • Don't gossip
  • SMILE!! =D
  • Controle temper and emotions!
  • Be yourself!!! =D
These are my goals for the Fall 2012 semester. Some of these are carry overs from last semester; but they're good to keep around! Wish me luck! It's going to be a great semester!!!

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