Friday, November 22, 2013


Well, we've finished up our first week of shows and are now starting on our second! Man-alive it is such a funny show! I've been to every rehearsal and performance and I still laugh hysterically! I'm not going to lie, this was really hard for me as a student teacher! I felt like so much time was demanded, I was pulling 14 hour days, and I was just all around exhausted! But now I'm seeing the reward!

These students are incredible! There are a few students in the cast who are member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) and they say a prayer together before they go out. I have had the opportunity the last two shows to pray with them!

Another really cool thing is to see how the cast has blossomed throughout the runs! They experiment with line deliveries, they are projecting more than ever, and you can see the fun that the cast if having! I found out something really funny a little while ago. A lady in the audience came up to me after the show and said that she "enjoys my laugh!" I became a little self-concious of it and was telling Joie about it. She told me not to hold back my laughs because the students are trying to make me laugh! They were talking to each other back stage and saying "I got Ms. Anderson to laugh!" It warmed my heart!

I'm so proud of these students and all of the hard work they have put into this show. I'm also so grateful for the wonderful director's I've had the chance to work with who really have uplifted and helped me get though this crazy and amazing experience! Two more days, three more shows, and a lot more laughs are headed my way! :)

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