Saturday, November 9, 2013

Work Sample Interview

On Nov. 7 I had my Work Sample Interview. This entire semester during my student teaching I have been teaching a unit. I had to put together bits and pieces into a portfolio (the work sample) and submit it for approval and grading. It has been the leading cause of stress for me this entire school year! I submitted it on Wednesday, Nov. 6, and had my interview on Nov. 7.

My interview was at 11:30, but I didn't get into my interview until about noon! Part of me was disappointed because I didn't get to talk too much about my thought process and how I set things up, or things I would do differently! On the other hand, my interview was cut down to about ten to fifteen minutes, and that put my mind at ease a bit.

Brother Stanger was my interviewer and he asked me a question that I hadn't really thought about before: "Have you received inspiration from the spirit as you've been teaching?"I thought about it, and there have been so many times that I've received revelation and inspiration! There have been times when I've acted on it and things went really well! Then there have been other times when I haven't acted on it and I lost the class. It was very difficult to get them back into the lesson.

With the last few minutes of the interview Brother Stanger told me that he found my work sample to be complete! A feeling of relief and gratitude flooded over me, I've finished my work sample!!! The most stressful part of student-teaching is over and I'm so excited about it! I'm even more excited to continue teaching and becoming a better teacher over these next six weeks! :D

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