Monday, October 31, 2011

"Tale as old as time . . ."

This past weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to go see Wasatch High School's production of "Beauty and the Beast" with Logan (Hayden). Wow, we have such a talented group of students at that school! The cast was spot on! It was funny, when I heard who they had playing Gaston (Braden Flory), I remember thinking that Ms. T must know him better than I, because I couldn't see him playing that role! He was perfect as Gaston! One of my favorite things about this musical (besides the music) was the costumes! Braden/Gaston had a shirt that extended down his arms which made them look muscular. Lumiere had hands that were candlesticks; I believe he had complete control of the "fire". It was very high-tech!

Their set was also amazing! Apparently there was a "hidden Mickey"on the set. When they told us that right after intermission, Logan and I both commented that it would be hard to focus on the play knowing that little fact! That proved to be false as the play continued! Afterward, Logan and I went to Dairy Keen (it was his first time to Heber and--I'm convinced--that it is an un-written law that when you visit Heber for the first time, you have to stop at Dairy Keen). I showed him the Harry Potter train and we both tried finding Hagrid. We may have found him . . . but we weren't sure if it really is him. It's funny; the longer I'm here, the more I love it. I remember last year I had the hardest time being home. All I wanted to do was be back in the Burg with my friends. Now, I'm happy with where I am and what is happening in my life. Not only that, but I'm getting a better sense of who I am and who God knows I am capable of becoming.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weddings, Star Trek, and Stink Bombs

Last night, I went to a wedding for a dear friend of mine (Courtney Whitear [Rosemeyer]). They held the wedding reception at the Rexburg, ID airport museum. It was so enjoyable! At our table, there was: Karen Ballard (Alemany), Austin Ballard (Karen's husband), Alex Withers, Nykele Shapiro (Fowles), Adam Shapiro (Nykele's husband), Annalissa Velardi, Christina Brandt, and myself. They had so many cool things there! There is a soda brand called "Jones" and they customized it with their pictures on the front! It was amazing! They also had cameras at the table so that we could take pictures of things that were going on at our table--they are going to have quite a laugh I'm sure!

At one point during the reception, Alex turned to me and said "Sarah, do you know one of my favorite memories I have had with you?" I shook my head and asked what it was. "When I was trying to help you with 'the look' and I told you to look at me like I was a banana cream pie." I couldn't help but laugh! That was one of my favorite memories too! When it came time to do the bouquet toss, I immediately pulled out my camera. I had no intention of actually participating in it; but I loved watching the girls that were already pushing each other out of the way to get to flowers that hadn't even been picked up by the bride yet! Nykele and Karen looked at me and said "Excuse me, you're single! Get up there!" Ha, I told them that I had seen Christina in these things and I had no desire of getting pushed and scratched just to catch some flowers. Alex and Karen then stood up and, while I was sitting in my chair, pushed me out to the middle of the floor where the flowers were to be thrown. Needless to say, I didn't try catching the flowers, but it was fun to watch the other girls push each other out of the way!

Upon my return to the table, we continued to talk and enjoy each other's company. Alex and Annalissa ended up leaving at about 8:00 because they were going over to Annalissa's boyfriends' house to watch Star Trek (the original). Alex invited me along and I told them that I might be there. I did end up going and it was such a blast! I didn't understand anything that was going on, but it was fun to be with those three; and the movie was pretty good too! After the movie we ended up watching a few YouTube videos and just hanging out. As we were "chillin'" there was a knock on the door and I could hear people run away. I rolled my eyes and commented that they probably weren't there anymore; Alex suggested that they may have left cookies though. Dallin jumped up and went to the door; but he seemed a little confused. He picked something up (I couldn't see what it was) that was small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. There was a sudden pop and the room filled with an aroma of rotten eggs! It was really bad! I couldn't believe that people would do that! But, I guess it did add a little bit of adventure to the night! Shortly after that we all left--and for good reason I guess. All-in-all it was a fantastic weekend! =)

Friday, October 21, 2011

"I can feel my pizza digesting"

I can officially check off hiking to the Y on my "I've never" list. Logan Hendricks and I met up yesterday morning (at about 11). We have been trying to go for about three weeks now; the first week it was pouring rain, the second week something else came up . . . I guess the third time really is the charm. Both of us were a little silly and forgot water-bottles. The hike isn't that long, but it's incredibly steep. We started off and it was kind of difficult! I think it was honestly the lack of hydration (and possibly that I'm out of shape ha), but I was having a REALLY hard time! Logan, fortunately, was really supportive and told me to just take my time. It wasn't a big deal that I had to stop every once and a while to catch my breath.

Anyway, the higher we climbed, the harder it got. The switch-backs were really steep and I was just struggling! A family was on the trail with us and noticed that we didn't have any water. They asked us at one of the stops if we wanted one of their water-bottles. Logan and I both said no, but that the offer was much appreciated. We continued to climb and talked about the TV show "The Sing-Off" and our favorite groups and how, when we were kids, we would mess around and find simple joys in little things. We got to another stop and stayed there for a few minutes. The family caught up to us and pushed the water-bottle into our hands. They insisted we take the water and that it would help us. We did and it did help us immensely!

We reached a certain part of the trail where we could either take an "easy short-cut" or we could go the "hard way". Logan and I both wanted to feel a sense of achievement and decided to go the longer, harder way! What we didn't realize, was the last and final switch-back was the longest and steepest of the entire hike. We really just had that last switch-back before we got to the top of the Y. Had we taken the other trail--the easy one--it would have been a straight shot to the base of the Y. We ended up seeing the family at the base of the Y and we ran down the Y to greet them. We ended up talking to them for a little while before we made the hike back down.

After I got home, I went to work and it was LONG!!! We were incredibly busy and I couldn't stay awake! Mike came up to me and said "5-day people can go home." When I told him I was a 4-day person he responded by saying "Close enough." and I got to go home!

Today, however, I woke up at 5:00am to drive to Rexburg for the weekend! I'm so excited to be here! I had a voice lesson with Brother Olsen this morning, had lunch with Christina Brandt and Annalisa Velardi at Gator Jack's, saw Cami Parks and her baby Hudson, and then went to a choir concert. I actually just got out. It made me miss choir a lot! Later we are all going to Twizlberry for some frozen yogurt! I'm kind of excited! I miss these people so much and it's exciting to see them again! Tomorrow I'm going to Courtney's wedding reception and I couldn't be more excited!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"17 Miracles" and forget me nots

For the past few weeks, Satan has been working on me. He's been tempting me and putting silly ideas in my head of my lack of self-worth. Last night, however, I had the opportunity to teach our Family Home Evening lesson. I decided to use, as a foundation for my lesson, the talk that President Uchtdorf gave in the Relief Society broadcast entitled "Forget Me Not". In his talk, he gave five things that we would do well not to forget:

As I gave my lesson, I felt the gentle and warm reminder that I need to be patient with myself. When I said earlier that Satan had been "working on me", I mean that he has been attacking me from every angle! One of the ways he was attacking me was due to my current "single life" status. These ideas continually popped into my head that I'm "not good enough", "I had my chance with Brandon; but since you broke up with him, you'll never get married", "you can't improve yourself enough to get married to anybody", and other similar thoughts. I was reminded that I need to be patient in that area and in other areas of my life at this current time. I had forgotten to be happy now; true I have hard times, just like everybody else. However, my life is quite amazing too! I have the Lord in my life who succors me and strengthens me. I had also forgotten how much the Lord loves me. I know that He loves me and I love Him. He helps me through the good, the bad, and the ugly! It was a powerful testimony building experience for me.

After my family FHE, I went to the Single's Ward FHE. We watched "17 Miracles"; wow!!!! I couldn't help but think how easy my life was compared to theirs. And even as I thought that, I had the feeling that their challenges and trials were build and made for them. Those trials wouldn't have built me and strengthened me in the way that the Lord needs me to be. But they were meant for those that suffered through those experiences! It was so powerful! I really liked the story of Sarah Frank and her fiance (I think his name was George). They didn't get married before they left for Zion because Sarah wanted to be sealed in the temple. George, sadly, died on the trek to Zion. The amazing part of their story is that Elder James E. Faust heard their story and made sure that they were sealed together in the temple! How amazing is that!? I absolutely loved it! And all of the events that occurred in that movie were true! There were some amazing ones too!!! Powerful past couple of days.

The BYU Devotional today was quite amazing as well. There were several things that Brother Burton said that stood out to me. His talk was entitled: "Learning in Life's Laboratory" It was a lot of different lessons that he's learned throughout his life. There were three lessons that he focused on: Prayer works and God is really on the other end; learn to wait on the Lord; and the healing power of the Savior is real. It was very powerful! This, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is the true church on the earth today! I am so grateful for the knowledge of the truth that I have! I know that my Redeemer lives and that God is real! I love Him and want to be with him again one day. =) For now, I will strive to be better today than I was yesterday.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"You is kind, you is smart, you is important"

Last night I went on a date with a young man named Colton. We ended up going to Cafe Rio for dinner; can I just say it's amazing food! I don't go there that often, but it was delicious! I've only been there a few times, and both times I got the chicken salad. So, I asked Colton what his favorite thing was. He recommended a pork something burrito. It was delicious! We had a nice talk about his mission, what we're studying in school, things we liked to do. It was a lot of fun!

After dinner, we walked over to the movie theatre to watch "The Help". It's a movie based off of a novel about black maids during the Civil Rights movement. As I watched, I couldn't help but feel a greater appreciation for my own parents and the fact that they have always been there for me. They care about me and love me to no end. This movie was truly inspiring! It was sad to how women would treat their children. They wouldn't even give them the time of day let alone tuck them into bed! The only real mothers they had was "the help". Abeline, the main character, would tell one of the little girls "You is kind, you is smart, you is important". They would say it together every day, several times a day. It was truly touching! The ride home was a little quiet. I really didn't have a lot to say after the movie, so we were fairly quiet. At one point on the ride home he asked what I was doing today (Oct. 12). I told him that on Wednesday mornings at about 7:00 am I go to the temple with one of my friends. He replied by saying: "Oh, well I hope I didn't keep you out too late. Then again, a pretty girl like yourself probably doesn't need a lot of beauty sleep." I didn't really know what to say, so I responded by saying "You'd be surprised!" It was kind of silly! He sounded very sincere, but I was surprised by my reaction to what he said. It was slightly out of character for me to say that; but I didn't know what else to say.

The thing I've learned is "You is kind, you is smart, you is important". Don't let others tell you what you are or what you will be. That is something that you decide for yourself due to your actions and how you view yourself.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

All-State Choir

Last night I had the amazing opportunity to listen to my sister sing in the Utah All-State Choir concert. 750 voices from the state of Utah all come together to sing a few songs with a special conductor. The conductor this year was Brother Mack Wilberg, conductor of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. There was a guest choir that sang as well, Weber's Chamber Choir. They [Weber] sang one of my favorite songs of all time "Lux Aurumque" by Eric Whitacre. They did such an amazing job! Also, Clay Christiansen played an organ solo entitled "Festival Toccata on St. Anne". It was such a fun piece! I couldn't believe the things he was doing! His feet were doing glissando's and his hands were moving between all of the different keyboards! It was amazing!!!

However, the highlight last night was definitely hearing the All-State Choir. They performed pieces such as: "Ring Out Wild Bells" (Ron Nelson); "Zadok the Priest" (Handel); "Nunc Dimittis" (Alexander Gretchaninoff); "The One Hundredth Fiftieth Psalm (Howard Hanson); "Bile the Cabbage Down" and "Come Thou Fount" (both arr. by Mack Wilberg). The last two were my favorite. Bile the Cabbage was a fun number! There were two male soloists and they did awesome! The first one had a lot of character and a good voice; the second one had an AWESOME voice for a high school senior! The greatest song of the night was "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". That song has such a great and powerful testimony behind it! It was amazing to see people, of all faiths and religions, come together and share testimony of coming unto Christ. The spirit was powerful and strengthened my testimony! I'm so grateful for music and the power it has to bring people closer to God. I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to share my testimony through music, but also through word and deed every day of my life! Music is a powerful thing. Walter Savage Lander said: "Music is God's best gift to man; the only art of heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to heaven." Music is a gift from God, and I'm so grateful that He's blessed me with talents in music, but also a deep passion for music!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Journey of 1,000 miles

You will notice that I recently changed the name of my blog. It isn't because my story at BYU-Idaho is over. But I realized that my blog and stories are showing a lot more than just "happenings" in my life. It's showing my growth and progression as I strive to become who my Father in Heaven knows I am capable of becoming. There's a saying that says: "The journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step." ~Confucius What isn't mentioned in this quote is that, after that first step, you must continue to keep stepping in order to reach that 1,000 mile mark. That is what I'd like to show here; the steps I'm taking to reach that mark.

Homecoming: Rise and Shout!

Wow, it's Thursday already! This past week has been quite the adventure!

Monday morning I worked at Dairy Keen. While I was at work I received a phone call from Barbara Phillips (the lady in charge of the Talent Find during the county fair). She was asking if I would be willing to sing a musical number (or two) at the Senior Citizen center that night. I accepted and immediately got very nervous and excited! I decided to sing "Danny Boy" and "How Great Thou Art". I tried finding an accompanist, but to no avail. It was time for me to sing and I felt incredibly nervous! The room was packed with people and there were even some people sitting outside the doors (namely other people that would be performing and their parents). I was introduced and then took a moment to get myself ready to sing "Danny Boy". I know that I hit some wrong notes, but I don't think they cared. After I sang the hall roared with applause. I could feel such a powerful energy emanating from the audience; my fears left me instantly! I went over, hit my beginning note for "How Great Thou Art" and started to sing, bearing my testimony to everyone that Christ will come again! When I finished, I felt a wave of relief, satisfaction, and warmth wash over me. I took a bow and gave the mic back to Barbara. As I returned to my seat to collect my things, I was stopped by many. Some of them had tears in their eyes, but bright smiles. I know that the Spirit of the Lord touched them! After that I went to the Singles' Ward FHE and played volleyball. It was a good activity for me because my adrenaline was really going after performing!

Tuesday was quite fun as well! This week, at BYU, it is Homecoming. During their usual Devotional hour, they held an "Opening Ceremony" thing for Homecoming week. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet up with one of my friends from BYU-Idaho who recently returned from his mission, Logan Hayden. We watched the opening ceremonies together. It was really cool, for me, to learn a little bit more about BYU's College of Fine Arts. The person they are honoring this year is Garrett De Jong (spelling?). Garrett was hired by President Harris (the President of BYU at the time) to create the College of Fine Arts at BYU. At the same time, he was offered a job teaching languages at the University of Utah. Needless to say, he took the job at BYU. When this was mentioned during the presentation, the entire audience erupted with applause and cheers. I couldn't help but laugh; I looked over at Logan and commented that "BYU isn't competitive at all!" But it was a lot of fun! Later that day, I went in to work. It was hard that day; most of the people there were being very pessimistic and it was really hard to be around. Going home was such a blessing when the time came.

Wednesday was quite fun as well! I had the great opportunity to see Cassandra and go to the temple with her yesterday (like we try to do every Wednesday). While we were in the temple I saw another friend, Emily, and got to talk to her for a little bit. I have some of the greatest friends in the world! As I spoke with both of them, it was wonderful to feel their testimonies and feel their love as well! What great people! Cassandra and I went to her place after baptisms and had Heath Bar pancakes! Ha ha, we were just experimenting, but it was pretty good! I got to spend most of the day in Provo yesterday. I went and looked at the museum at BYU; beautiful paintings!!! It is so cool! My friend Logan Hendricks (yes, a different Logan than the previous day) and I were supposed to hike to the Y. But it was raining and we both decided that it was a poor idea to do so. So instead, we had ice cream at the BYU Creamery. We stayed there and talked for a little bit! Afterward, I decided that I needed to go home because I smelled like chlorine from the baptismal font! But I returned to Provo later that evening to watch Divine Comedy's tech rehearsal! It was funny, but I could tell they needed a little bit more work before Friday! They did a spoof off of Aladdin! During the scene where Jafar makes a wish to be "President over all of the BYU's" (in the real movie he wishes to be "the most powerful genie in the world") Aladdin responds "Jafar, aren't you forgetting something? Not only do you have BYU Provo and BYU Hawaii, but you also have BYU-Idaho and all of the restrictions that go with it!" I cracked up!!! My favorite one may have been "The Blind Date Who Lived". It was Whitney who was set-up on a blind date with Tom Riddle (from Harry Potter). Tom shows Whitney that he has a wand and she responds by saying: "Oo, you'r a magician? Show me a magic trick!" Tom snickers and says turns to the waiter "Avada Kedavra!" He says, and the waiter drops dead. Tom then turns to Whitney and says, "That's really the only trick I know!" Ha ha ha, I couldn't stop from laughing. It was really funny!

The rest of this week will be pretty fun! I'm working, going to a wedding reception, watching my sister sing in All-State Choir; yeah, it'll be a good week! =)

Monday, October 3, 2011

General Conference

What a powerful and testimony building weekend. For the past two days I've had the wonderful opportunity to listen to the prophet of the Lord, President Thomas S. Monson, and other servants called of God.
On Saturday I was scheduled to work at 10:30. Well, Conference starts at 10, so I left part-way through. As I went to work, we finished getting everything ready for the day and nobody came! It was so slow! Mike, the manager that morning, asked if anybody wanted to go downstairs and watch Conference. I did! I was able to hear the end of Elder Packer's talk and also President Uchtdorf's talk. What a powerful spirit!
Sunday was just as powerful! I could feel the spirit of God in all their words and testimonies! However, the most powerful experience, for me, occurred during a song in the morning session. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang "I Believe in Christ". I've heard that song hundreds of times; yet the spirit and testimony that was born was stronger than I had ever felt before. That words go like this:

"I believe in Christ; he is my King!

With all my heart to him I’ll sing;
I’ll raise my voice in praise and joy,
In grand amens my tongue employ.
I believe in Christ; he is God’s Son.
On earth to dwell his soul did come.
He healed the sick; the dead he raised.
Good works were his; his name be praised.

 I believe in Christ; oh blessed name!
As Mary’s Son he came to reign
’Mid mortal men, his earthly kin,
To save them from the woes of sin.
I believe in Christ, who marked the path,
Who did gain all his Father hath,
Who said to men: “Come, follow me,
That ye, my friends, with God may be.”

 I believe in Christ—my Lord, my God!
My feet he plants on gospel sod.
I’ll worship him with all my might;
He is the source of truth and light.
I believe in Christ; he ransoms me.
From Satan’s grasp he sets me free,
And I shall live with joy and love
In his eternal courts above.

 I believe in Christ; he stands supreme!
From him I’ll gain my fondest dream;
And while I strive through grief and pain,
His voice is heard: “Ye shall obtain.”
I believe in Christ; so come what may,
With him I’ll stand in that great day
When on this earth he comes again
To rule among the sons of men."

It was such a powerful testimony to me that there is a Christ; but it also showed me that I do have a testimony of Christ. I am His daughter and He loves me, and I love Him! Powerful and moving! This Conference weekend has strengthened me spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally! I am striving to be more Christ-like and have received personal revelation on how to do so. I know that this church is true, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know that it was restored by God through the prophet Joseph Smith. I am grateful that, amidst persecution and suffering, that he [Joseph Smith] didn't stop going about the Lord's work. I know that my Redeemer lives! I know that He suffered in the garden of Gethsemane for my sins, pains, and afflictions. He did that because He loves me; I know He had the power to make it stop, but He chose to suffer for all of God's children so that we could return home once again. I know that there is a prophet of God today; his name is Thomas S. Monson! He leads and guides the church today through God. I'm grateful for the opportunity I have daily to study the words of God and to become closer to Him and more like Him. I love Him! I love my family that constantly builds and uplifts me and helps me become better. I love my friends who do the same and are constantly there for me! I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer, amen.