Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"17 Miracles" and forget me nots

For the past few weeks, Satan has been working on me. He's been tempting me and putting silly ideas in my head of my lack of self-worth. Last night, however, I had the opportunity to teach our Family Home Evening lesson. I decided to use, as a foundation for my lesson, the talk that President Uchtdorf gave in the Relief Society broadcast entitled "Forget Me Not". In his talk, he gave five things that we would do well not to forget:

As I gave my lesson, I felt the gentle and warm reminder that I need to be patient with myself. When I said earlier that Satan had been "working on me", I mean that he has been attacking me from every angle! One of the ways he was attacking me was due to my current "single life" status. These ideas continually popped into my head that I'm "not good enough", "I had my chance with Brandon; but since you broke up with him, you'll never get married", "you can't improve yourself enough to get married to anybody", and other similar thoughts. I was reminded that I need to be patient in that area and in other areas of my life at this current time. I had forgotten to be happy now; true I have hard times, just like everybody else. However, my life is quite amazing too! I have the Lord in my life who succors me and strengthens me. I had also forgotten how much the Lord loves me. I know that He loves me and I love Him. He helps me through the good, the bad, and the ugly! It was a powerful testimony building experience for me.

After my family FHE, I went to the Single's Ward FHE. We watched "17 Miracles"; wow!!!! I couldn't help but think how easy my life was compared to theirs. And even as I thought that, I had the feeling that their challenges and trials were build and made for them. Those trials wouldn't have built me and strengthened me in the way that the Lord needs me to be. But they were meant for those that suffered through those experiences! It was so powerful! I really liked the story of Sarah Frank and her fiance (I think his name was George). They didn't get married before they left for Zion because Sarah wanted to be sealed in the temple. George, sadly, died on the trek to Zion. The amazing part of their story is that Elder James E. Faust heard their story and made sure that they were sealed together in the temple! How amazing is that!? I absolutely loved it! And all of the events that occurred in that movie were true! There were some amazing ones too!!! Powerful past couple of days.

The BYU Devotional today was quite amazing as well. There were several things that Brother Burton said that stood out to me. His talk was entitled: "Learning in Life's Laboratory" It was a lot of different lessons that he's learned throughout his life. There were three lessons that he focused on: Prayer works and God is really on the other end; learn to wait on the Lord; and the healing power of the Savior is real. It was very powerful! This, the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, is the true church on the earth today! I am so grateful for the knowledge of the truth that I have! I know that my Redeemer lives and that God is real! I love Him and want to be with him again one day. =) For now, I will strive to be better today than I was yesterday.

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