Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weddings, Star Trek, and Stink Bombs

Last night, I went to a wedding for a dear friend of mine (Courtney Whitear [Rosemeyer]). They held the wedding reception at the Rexburg, ID airport museum. It was so enjoyable! At our table, there was: Karen Ballard (Alemany), Austin Ballard (Karen's husband), Alex Withers, Nykele Shapiro (Fowles), Adam Shapiro (Nykele's husband), Annalissa Velardi, Christina Brandt, and myself. They had so many cool things there! There is a soda brand called "Jones" and they customized it with their pictures on the front! It was amazing! They also had cameras at the table so that we could take pictures of things that were going on at our table--they are going to have quite a laugh I'm sure!

At one point during the reception, Alex turned to me and said "Sarah, do you know one of my favorite memories I have had with you?" I shook my head and asked what it was. "When I was trying to help you with 'the look' and I told you to look at me like I was a banana cream pie." I couldn't help but laugh! That was one of my favorite memories too! When it came time to do the bouquet toss, I immediately pulled out my camera. I had no intention of actually participating in it; but I loved watching the girls that were already pushing each other out of the way to get to flowers that hadn't even been picked up by the bride yet! Nykele and Karen looked at me and said "Excuse me, you're single! Get up there!" Ha, I told them that I had seen Christina in these things and I had no desire of getting pushed and scratched just to catch some flowers. Alex and Karen then stood up and, while I was sitting in my chair, pushed me out to the middle of the floor where the flowers were to be thrown. Needless to say, I didn't try catching the flowers, but it was fun to watch the other girls push each other out of the way!

Upon my return to the table, we continued to talk and enjoy each other's company. Alex and Annalissa ended up leaving at about 8:00 because they were going over to Annalissa's boyfriends' house to watch Star Trek (the original). Alex invited me along and I told them that I might be there. I did end up going and it was such a blast! I didn't understand anything that was going on, but it was fun to be with those three; and the movie was pretty good too! After the movie we ended up watching a few YouTube videos and just hanging out. As we were "chillin'" there was a knock on the door and I could hear people run away. I rolled my eyes and commented that they probably weren't there anymore; Alex suggested that they may have left cookies though. Dallin jumped up and went to the door; but he seemed a little confused. He picked something up (I couldn't see what it was) that was small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. There was a sudden pop and the room filled with an aroma of rotten eggs! It was really bad! I couldn't believe that people would do that! But, I guess it did add a little bit of adventure to the night! Shortly after that we all left--and for good reason I guess. All-in-all it was a fantastic weekend! =)

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