Monday, October 31, 2011

"Tale as old as time . . ."

This past weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to go see Wasatch High School's production of "Beauty and the Beast" with Logan (Hayden). Wow, we have such a talented group of students at that school! The cast was spot on! It was funny, when I heard who they had playing Gaston (Braden Flory), I remember thinking that Ms. T must know him better than I, because I couldn't see him playing that role! He was perfect as Gaston! One of my favorite things about this musical (besides the music) was the costumes! Braden/Gaston had a shirt that extended down his arms which made them look muscular. Lumiere had hands that were candlesticks; I believe he had complete control of the "fire". It was very high-tech!

Their set was also amazing! Apparently there was a "hidden Mickey"on the set. When they told us that right after intermission, Logan and I both commented that it would be hard to focus on the play knowing that little fact! That proved to be false as the play continued! Afterward, Logan and I went to Dairy Keen (it was his first time to Heber and--I'm convinced--that it is an un-written law that when you visit Heber for the first time, you have to stop at Dairy Keen). I showed him the Harry Potter train and we both tried finding Hagrid. We may have found him . . . but we weren't sure if it really is him. It's funny; the longer I'm here, the more I love it. I remember last year I had the hardest time being home. All I wanted to do was be back in the Burg with my friends. Now, I'm happy with where I am and what is happening in my life. Not only that, but I'm getting a better sense of who I am and who God knows I am capable of becoming.

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