Friday, October 21, 2011

"I can feel my pizza digesting"

I can officially check off hiking to the Y on my "I've never" list. Logan Hendricks and I met up yesterday morning (at about 11). We have been trying to go for about three weeks now; the first week it was pouring rain, the second week something else came up . . . I guess the third time really is the charm. Both of us were a little silly and forgot water-bottles. The hike isn't that long, but it's incredibly steep. We started off and it was kind of difficult! I think it was honestly the lack of hydration (and possibly that I'm out of shape ha), but I was having a REALLY hard time! Logan, fortunately, was really supportive and told me to just take my time. It wasn't a big deal that I had to stop every once and a while to catch my breath.

Anyway, the higher we climbed, the harder it got. The switch-backs were really steep and I was just struggling! A family was on the trail with us and noticed that we didn't have any water. They asked us at one of the stops if we wanted one of their water-bottles. Logan and I both said no, but that the offer was much appreciated. We continued to climb and talked about the TV show "The Sing-Off" and our favorite groups and how, when we were kids, we would mess around and find simple joys in little things. We got to another stop and stayed there for a few minutes. The family caught up to us and pushed the water-bottle into our hands. They insisted we take the water and that it would help us. We did and it did help us immensely!

We reached a certain part of the trail where we could either take an "easy short-cut" or we could go the "hard way". Logan and I both wanted to feel a sense of achievement and decided to go the longer, harder way! What we didn't realize, was the last and final switch-back was the longest and steepest of the entire hike. We really just had that last switch-back before we got to the top of the Y. Had we taken the other trail--the easy one--it would have been a straight shot to the base of the Y. We ended up seeing the family at the base of the Y and we ran down the Y to greet them. We ended up talking to them for a little while before we made the hike back down.

After I got home, I went to work and it was LONG!!! We were incredibly busy and I couldn't stay awake! Mike came up to me and said "5-day people can go home." When I told him I was a 4-day person he responded by saying "Close enough." and I got to go home!

Today, however, I woke up at 5:00am to drive to Rexburg for the weekend! I'm so excited to be here! I had a voice lesson with Brother Olsen this morning, had lunch with Christina Brandt and Annalisa Velardi at Gator Jack's, saw Cami Parks and her baby Hudson, and then went to a choir concert. I actually just got out. It made me miss choir a lot! Later we are all going to Twizlberry for some frozen yogurt! I'm kind of excited! I miss these people so much and it's exciting to see them again! Tomorrow I'm going to Courtney's wedding reception and I couldn't be more excited!

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