Sunday, June 2, 2013

Be Still My Soul

Last night I received some distressing news about my sister-in-law (yes, the one who just had a baby). I received a text message from my Dad while I was at a game night asking if I would fast for Nini today. I immediately left the room and called my Dad to find out what was going on. Apparently Nini has had a temperature of 103 degrees for the last three days. They finally took her into the Emergency Room last night. Dad and Mom were asked to watch Scarlett while Stephen and Nini went to the hospital. That was all the information my Dad had for me; immediately I felt my stomach tighten and an very unsettling feeling came over me. I asked my Dad to text me when Stephen and Nini got home, and he said he would. I stayed outside for a few minutes after I called my Dad and said a quick prayer for Nini.

When I went back inside I told my friend Megan what was going on. She asked if I had called my brother. I didn't think to call him because I didn't think he'd answer . . . but I felt prompted to go out and call him. He did answer, and, to be honest, part of me kind of wishes he didn't. His voice sounded weak and worried. When I asked how he was doing he gave a weak "Eh" I then asked when he thought he was going to get out of the hospital and he said, "I'm not sure . . . sis, can we call you back tomorrow?" I told him that I loved him and that I was praying for he and Nini both.

I went back into the game night feeling very uneasy, but I stayed the rest of the night. As I walked home I talked to my Heavenly Father expressing my concern about what was going on. My mind kept jumping to all sorts of conclusions and I just broke down and began to cry. Nini has been such a fantastic influence in my life, I'm so grateful for her love and her example to me! And the love that she has for my brother is amazing! Seriously, the cutest couple I've ever seen! I love them both! It was really difficult for me to think of her being ill and I couldn't be there to help comfort her or my brother.

I got home and I told my roommates what was going on and asked if they would be willing to fast for her with me. The agreed and we immediately knelt down and said a prayer. I have such wonderful roommates, and I'm so grateful for their strength, love, and support. We talked about it for several minutes, and I wasn't feeling any better. I tried to change subjects and hear about my roommates exciting evenings, but my mind was weighing very heavily on Nini. After a little while my roommate Amber asked if I wanted a blessing. After thinking about it for a moment, I felt that I really needed a blessing of comfort. As I thought about who I would contact I had two people come into my mind; I don't know them incredibly well, but they were there the day that I found out about Scarlett. Amber contacted both Sam and Nate and they came over to give me the blessing (*Note: it was about 1:00am and I still hadn't heard from my parents on whether Stephen and Nini were back).

Before the blessing I told Nate and Sam what was going on. After I told them I said, "It sounds silly, I know." and I truly thought it sounded silly to ask for a blessing, but at the same time, I felt that I needed one. Neither of them seemed to think it sounded funny, and we knelt down and said a prayer together before the blessing. After the prayer, I continued to pray that Heavenly Father would open my heart and help me feel at ease about Nini. I wanted to know that everything would be okay, I wanted to know that within the next 24 hours she would be up and moving. I just wanted to know something.

The Priesthood power of God on the earth today is real. There's no doubt of it in my mind. As Sam gave the blessing, I know that it was not Sam speaking. In the blessing, God told me more about me than about Nini. He told me that I strengthen people, that He knew how to take care of His children, that God is pleased with the tenderness that I feel for my family, God is aware of me, and several other things about me. As I sat there and listened to Heavenly Father speak to me through my friend Sam, I kept thinking, "But what about Nini? I don't want to hear about me, tell me about Nini!" Without fail, every time I thought that Sam would say something about Nini. But then it would come right back to me. God knew things I was feeling that I didn't say to anybody else, and that was what I really needed to hear. In the middle of the blessing I received a text message from my Dad. They have diagnosed Nini and have given her the antibiotics that should have her on the mend within a few days.

I'm so grateful for both of these incredible young men (who I'm convinced are modern day Stripling Warriors) who were willing to come out at one o'clock in the morning to give me a blessing that I truly needed to hear. I felt comfort wash over me and my mind began to clear. God truly does love His children. Another important thing I learned, nothing is "silly" to the Lord. I felt genuine concern for my sister-in-law and needed my mind and spirit to be at ease about the whole thing. Nothing is silly to the Lord; if it's important to you, then it's important to Him. I'm so grateful for the wonderful friends I have in my life who are willing to be a support and strength.


  1. Please do follow-ups on "distressing news" so that we can learn all of the story!!!!

    Enjoy reading your blogs!!!

  2. Sorry Grammy, I gave all the information that I had (and still have) at the time. I'm not sure how things are going. What you know, is practically what I know. And I'm grateful you enjoy the blog! I love you! :D
