Sunday, June 9, 2013

Spring Choirfest

On Thursday I had my first concert of the semester. Good heavens, it was awesome! The concert consisted of the Women's Glee, University Choir, Women's Choir, and the Collegiate Singers. All of the choirs did so well, and all of those involved did such a fantastic job! We (the Collegiate Singers) sang six pieces: Peace (Unto Zion), Zion's Walls, If Ye Love Me, Lux Aeterna, William Tell Overture, and Let Me Fly!

I'll be totally honest, the last two were my favorite! We aren't as polished as we could be on William Tell, but all the same it was hilarious! I am so grateful for music in my life and for the chance that I have to learn the technical side of it, but also the spiritual side. Music strikes me to my very core, and I know that other people are the same way. Music touches me in a way that words alone cannot do. However, when combined with music it becomes even more powerful. It completely resonates within my soul and I love it! I'm so excited for the opportunity that I'll have for the rest of my life to help people feel and express through music! Music has been such a blessing in my life; it has strengthened me through the hardest of times and added extra enjoyment during the best of times!

Can you imagine a world without music? Boring! There's music everywhere we go! In the movie August Rush, August says "The music is all around us, all you have to do is listen." It's so true! I'm so grateful for music and the blessing it is in my life. I'm grateful for the comfort I've received, the strength, and also the pure joy I experience whenever I'm around wholesome music!

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