Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sunset at Cress Creek

Last night I got to go out on another date! That's three dates in three weeks! Holy cow! Anyway, this one was with my friend Alex. We've known each other since our first semester here (Winter 2009) and it was a lot of fun to get to know him better.

We started off going to his parents house to get wood to make a fire. Because his family was already doing a fire, we decided that we'd come back and join them in that fun after our hike! We then went to Cress Creek Nature Trail near Ririe, Idaho. We followed the trail and on the trail there were signs with information about Cress Creek. Alex would read them in different accents, which was quite entertaining. After following the trail for a little while we decided to go off! I was fine when we were on the trail; heck I felt like I was in pretty awesome shape! Then, when we went off, I was like "Dang girl, you need to hit the gym a little harder!" Ha, Alex was like a mountain goat! He was just running all over the place! It was great! Anyway, we hiked up pretty close to the top! As we sat there, we got to watch the sunset; it was gorgeous! I love sunrises and sunsets; they are just amazing! Alex pulled out some Aaron Copland music and we listened to that while the sun was setting. It was amazing how well the music reflected the sunset (I'm convinced Alex planned that)!

We sat there for several minutes and then started to head down. Alex tried teaching me how to run down hill . . . it didn't work so well! Don't worry, I didn't fall . . . but I was pretty close a few times! We went back down to the trail and found the look-out point where most people watch the sunset. We sat there for a few minutes and he showed me some Paul Mealor music, which is gorgeous! Oh my goodness, absolutely amazing stuff! We listened to that while we sat and we just talked. It was great. After we got down we went back to his parent's house to make banana boats. A banana boat is when you take a banana (still in the peel) and cut through the peel and part way into the banana. Then you stuff it with mini marsh mellows and chocolate chips! Then you wrap it up in aluminum foil and put it in the fire so that it can cook. It was delicious! We also made s'mores and just sat around the fire and talked.

As we traveled home we heard this amazing violin music being played. We decided that it sounded Russian/Czech and so we wanted to know who the composer was. Alex kept guessing, the only one that kept coming to my mind was Tchaikovsky . . . but I knew it wasn't Tchaikovsky. Alex said that he was going to keep driving around until we found out who the composer was. Well, about half an hour later we found out who it was . . . sadly I don't remember the name! But, it wasn't anybody we thought it was!  It was such an enjoyable evening, we even quoted a little bit of Doctor Who (yes, I got him addicted to it)! It was a lot of fun talking to Alex and getting to know him a little bit better.

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