Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life is so grrrrrrrrreat!

Alright, so it's been a while since I last wrote and quite a bit has happened. First of all, I have my first boyfriend EVER!!! Can I tell you how great he is? Well, he's amazing! We talked about it on Monday and that is when we made it official! His name is Brandon and he's basically! This week has been a little crazy. I've had concerts that I've been preparing for, songs I've been trying to memorize, projects that have had to get done, evening rehearsals (that ended "early"), and it has been awesome!

On Friday I had some concerts and I had to learn to play some bongo type drums in 24 hours! It really wasn't that hard, but it was a little scary not having a lot of practice and having to do it on Friday night. Anyway, we did two concerts that night. One was at 6:00 and the other at 8:30; overall I thought it was a great concert! My favorite song that the Women's choir did was "The Lord is my Shepherd", followed shortly by "The Survival Song". Both are absolutely gorgeous! And Brandon came and watched the second concert! I was really excited about that ha ha. After the concert, Brandon, Cameo, and I went over to Cameo's and watched "Kung Fu Panda" and I fell asleep! Not for very long, but I love that movie so much and I was surprised that I'd actually fall asleep! Oh well, Brandon said he thought it was cute ha ha.

Then Saturday I had the great opportunity to go to a Women's Conference and got to see and listen to Sister Julie B. Beck. What a powerful conference; for the most part it was a question-answer, but it was so powerful. Then Brandon and I went to Broulim's to get things for dinner last night (we made Chicken Cordon Bleu pizza). I also had the amazing opportunity to go to my friend, Tim's, viola recital. After watching his recital, it got me really excited to do mine! One year until that day!!! We, Brandon and I, then went over to his apartment to do homework and make the pizza! Pizza was amazing by the way! Then we went back to my apartment and watched the ending of "What About Bob?" and started "August Rush". Throughout "August Rush" my roommates and everybody kept asking if I would walk down the street and hear music sometimes or if I was like Evan/August. As I thought about it, I realized that I do! Music truly is everywhere!

Monday, February 21, 2011

"I plead the 19th, man!"

I love three day weekends for multiple reasons! Reason number one was Friday! I got to meet Brandon's little sister Jennifer. We are very similar and I enjoyed getting to know her better as she's stayed with us this weekend. Ha, my roommates and a few of my friends went to go see 'Tangled' in 3D! Despite the fact that 3D movies tend to make me sick, I enjoyed it very much (and I didn't get sick)! It was one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time! We all discussed it and decided that "Disney's coming back!" Whilst we were at the theatre I kept running into people I knew. They started to keep a count because they were all pretty sure that I knew everybody! They were quite surprised to find out that they weren't all from the Snow buidling though ha ha.

Reason number two, Saturday! Saturday I did laundry (which was quite exciting! I always love that feeling of 'Now I have clothes to wear'), I did homework, I practiced, and then I got a phone call from Brandon. He invited my roommates and I over for dinner; he and Jen were wanting to cook it for us. I offered my assistance and was able to help make the Green chili enchiladas! Boy they were good! He told me that they would swing by the Snow and "kidnap" me so we could make them. They kidnapped me fairly early and took me over to Brandon's and we made origami roses and hung them up in Brandon's apartment. Then we started on the dinner. While we were making the dinner we played "Name That Tune" Disney style! I didn't realized I knew 1) so many Disney movies, and 2) so many Disney songs! It was incredible, I impressed myself! At one point during the evening I ran up to the Stake center and congradulated one of my best friends up here, Lizzy Lloyd (now Baird), on her marriage! They were engaged only a few weeks ago, but because Lizzy is going on tour at the end of the semester they had to do it during. Everything worked out well from what I could tell! She looked gorgeous and incredibly happy! Once I got there she told me to: "Take of your shoes. This is a bare feet party!" Ha, I so want that at my wedding! ;o)
So, I ran back down to Brandon's (he lives across from the Snow) and enjoyed the enchiladas we made! I'm going to have to get the recipe from them because it is incredibly good! While we ate we watched a movie called "Alice". It's one of my favorites, but I have to be in the right mood for it. Unfortunately, I was incredibly tired and nearly fell asleep several times throughout. But I was in such great company that kept making me laugh, I couldn't actually fall asleep.

Reason number 3, Sunday! The morning was spent relaxing, reading scriptures, writing letters, and listening to beautiful hymns! Our ward starts at 1:50 (odd time, right?) and Brandon and Jen came with us. The spirit was incredibly strong and I feel that I received a lot of answers to things that I've been praying for! I love it when that happens! After church, we came back to our place and relaxed a little bit and played some games. We played Scum (which brought back a lot of memories for me), California slap, Pictionary (the card game), and several other games! The Brandon, Jen, and I went Stadium singing. It was a little cold, but it's always worth it to go sing praises to the Lord! This weekend has been such a blessing and a tender mercy for me! I've needed something for a little while and this was definitley that something I needed . . . a break! Today will be fairly similar to Saturday in that I'll be doing homework! But it'll all work out well!

By the way, the quote was something that was said last night and we thought it was the funniest thing in the world! I'll post pictures soon of what Jen and I did at 1:00 this morning!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


That's right, this week is midterms!!! I'll tell you what, it has been an insane one too! The busiest midterm week I've ever had in my life! Monday was a typical Monday. I went to the gym at 5:00 a.m. and then had class from 7:45a.m.-6:45p.m.and then FHE; that I admittedly didn't attend the entire thing. I went to the lesson and then went home to sleep and do homework! (They went ice skating and I'm starting to get a cold so my voice teacher doesn't want me outside and killing my voice). Tuesday we had the most amazing Devotional about happiness and how it is a choice and it was amazing!

Wednesday, however, was like another Monday . . . but busier! I didn't go to gym because I've been coughing up a storm (and I'm pretty sure my right vocal chord). But I sang for about two hours anyway! It didn't hurt, but I am paying for it now. My teacher is helping me through it a lot. I took my science test, the second part of my musicianship test (the first part was sight singing and the hymn pass-off on Monday), and I got to attend the Hymn festival. The Hymn festival is a concert where we sing hymns that have already been written and new hymns written by students here on campus! It was a very powerful and moving concert. My day went from 7:45 a.m.-10:30 p.m. without any breaks! It was hard, but it was very fun and productive!

Today, however, has been a bit more laid back. I had my science class at 7:45 and I took the last part of my Musicianship test. I feel that it went really well (the test I mean). I have been thinking a lot about where I started out in this program . . . I wasn't any good! Looking back, I've improved so much it's ridiculous! When I first started, I didn't even know what an interval was! Now, I'm analyzing a tonal music! It's exciting to see how far I've come and predict how far I will go (my science class is rubbing off on my I guess). Tonight I'm going to the Collegiate Singers and Vocal Union concert with my friend Brandon (yes Dad, a date)! By the way Dad, he served in the Dominican Republic. Stephen, you might know his sister. I forgot her first name, but her last name is Beddes. She was in the animation program at BYU. She's coming up and staying with me this weekend. It should be fun!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jansport backpacks=greatest backpacks ever!

What an eventful weekend! Friday I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the Sousa concert. That is honestly one of the greatest concerts that the symphony band does. They play a song every year they do this concert and throughout the song different areas of serivce are asked to stand. It is truly a powerful song and it was amazing to see the conductors love for our country. After the concert I saw my friend Seth and he asked what I was doing after the concert. I told him I was going to practice a little bit more; he told me not to practice too much and I asked if I did anything else. He laughed and responded "I hope you do!"

Yesterday (Saturday) I helped my friend move. First however, we made donuts for all of the people that came and helped them move. Friday night, before the Sousa concert I helped her pack up her kitchen. That morning we continued to pack, so I didn't really get to move anything in or out. It was an enjoyable morning spent helping a friend! After helping her I went to the store and FINALLY bought stamps so I could write Elder Pelo! I must say Jansport backpacks are the best! I could fit so much into my backpack and it was absolutely wonderful!

Also last night I had the wonderful opportunity of going to Stake Conference. Elder C. Scott Grow (yes, his name is a sentance) came and spoke to us. It was amazing! So many of my questions were answered and it was amazing! Then this morning it was the same thing! They talked about being ready for the person you're going to marry. They asked us to think about the person we wanted to marry and then strive to live like that. What a wonderful conference that helped me realize and reminded me of who I am and what I should be doing.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Roses are . . . paper?

This week has been absolutely insane, and yet what a blessing it has been as well! Tonight I left the Snow building BEFORE 8:00 and I'm not going back again tonight! I was excited, but also a little confused as to what I should do with myself the rest of the night.

But a quick story about yesterday, which will explain the title for today. Last night I was doing homework (as always) and one of my roommates friends, Brandon, came through. He stopped and we talked for a few minutes. At first, he thought I was in one of his classes; I then explained to him that he was friends with my roommate and things clicked in his mind. He stayed and we talked for about half an hour to forty five minutes. We talked about things like our major, Disneyland, and what our favorite Disney movie is. After that, he proposed that he had something that I would appreciate. It was originally meant for somebody else, but he thought I would appreciate just as much, if not more. He pulled a red and green paper box out of his pocket. I asked if he made it and he said he did. I was amazed, he looked up how to do it on YouTube. Anyway, he continued to speak to me as he messed with the box a little bit. As I wanted him, I noticed that it now had petals and leaves; he made a paper rose. I enjoyed it very much. It was a little random of him to give it to me; but nice all at the same time.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

"It's so warm outside!"

As I said before, I had the wonderful opportunity to go home this past weekend. As soon as my friend and I got to Orem I asked her what temperature it was outside. She said about 24 degrees; we both got really excited, stepped out of the car and stood there for a second. We then exclaimed to eachother that it was "so warm outside!" When it's been in the negatives all week, 24 degrees is really warm. And it was like that all day Friday and most of the day Saturday. I got home around 11:00pm and when I went upstairs to go to bed I found a note on my pillow. It said: "Sarah, I didn't get to say good night, so GOOD NIGHT! ;) Love ya! Love, Anna." So, basically I have the cutest little sister ever! It was so great to see my family and spend a couple of days with them! For the most part, I did homework. But I also got to watch a movie with Ben ("Princess and the Frog", I highly recommend seeing that movie! Great music!), and talked with my Mom (about boys, I didn't do that very often when I was in high school, but it was a major topic this weekend ha!), and just tried to relax a little bit.

Last night, as Cassandra and I traveled back to the frozen tundra that is Rexburg, Idaho, we had some really good conversations. We talked about everything from Music Lit--we were studying for a test--to what we did that weekend, to what we wanted to do with the rest of our lives. We also picked up another young man who came back to Rexburg with us. His name was Andrew, it was an enjoyable ride! It went well! When we got back to Rexburg, we decided that it was super cold! I didn't check the temperature . . . but it was cold! And guess what I did as soon as I got back! I went to the Snow building and practiced and worked on an essay! Apparently, I don't have a life ha ha!

However, right before I went in to practice my friend, Lainey Beth, found me and told me that she got her mission call! She's going to Australia!!! She knocked on my practice room door and told me that she had some big news for me before I started practicing. She then told me that she opened her mission call yesterday (Friday) and that she leaves on July 13th!!! I was so excited; we celebrated for about 5-10 minutes! I am so excited for her! Over all, this weekend has been such a blessing!

So, these pictures; the first one is my stupidity in packing a yogurt in my lunch and then not bringing a spoon. So, I ended up using the metal lid and folding it in half and using that as my spoon. The second photo is the note Anna left for me on my pillow.
Alright, so the stupidity of Sarah continues! Last night, before I went to bed I thought to myself 'Man, my room is hot! I'll crack the window for a second and shut it right before I go to bed.' So, I cracked it just a little bit and then went in and brushed my teeth and so on. When I came back into the room, I forgot to shut it! So, at about 6:30am I start to feel a little cold. It then dawns on me that I hadn't shut the window; so I get up to close it and I can't! The window was frozen, there was a long strip of ice in the bottom that was preventing me from closing it. Needless to say, I felt very foolish. However, I finally got it closed at about 11:20!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Home, sweet home!

Yesterday was a long day! I had classes from 7:45-4:15 and then I went home and packed so I could come home this weekend. (My weekend started early because of cancelation of classes). As Cassandra and I made the drive down, we would comment to eachother about how "adult" we are because we're going on another "road trip/adventure". We do always seem to have the greatest adventures in the car! Nothing insanely amazing happened, but we talked about everything! Yesterday I had a study group for my science class, this required leaving the Snow building (music building). As I was walking up toward the Taylor, one of my friends, Ben, saw me. He called out to me and said: "You're going the wrong way! The Snow building is that way." I laughed and told him that I was going to the Taylor, "I never thought I'd hear those words come out of your mouth." Again, I chuckled and responded that I had a science group meeting; "Another phrase I never thought I'd hear come out of your mouth!"

My passion for music continues to grow daily! I can't talk about music too long without getting excited! I guess that's when you know you picked the right major! I was talking to some people the other day about some Middle Ages music and I noticed that there was a V chord in there! I may or may not have freaked out! That was the first time I could put a Roman numeral to a chord in that class! A few of my friends just rolled their eyes at me and said: "Only you would get this excited about a V chord!" I don't believe that's true for a second; I know others that get just as excited as I do! I had my second voice lesson yesterday and it was amazing! We worked on breathing and posture! I always thought I had good posture . . . that is until class yesterday! But I continue to think that 'I am my own voice teacher' just as Brother Peck taught me my first day, and I realized some things about my posture that was wrong. Throughout the lesson, Brother Peck and I would work together to figure out what was wrong. Good news, we fixed it! He also gave me 5 pieces yesterday: "Je te veux", "Chanson triste", "Nimmersatte Liebe", "Quella fiamma", and "Se tu m'ami"! No English pieces! Boy, am I ever excited!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Smiles and Stadiums

Mondays are long days for me. I go to the gym with my roommate, AJ, at 5 am and I have classes from 7:45am-6:45pm (with only one hour break). Then I go to FHE from 7:00-8:30ish. Yeah, Mondays are a blast! I really mean it too! Yesterday, I felt so much energy it was ridiculous! I felt like I could do anything, nothing was going to stand in my way of getting things done! I got a lot done, surprisingly. With lack of time to do homework, I didn't have a lot to begin with. I've felt that the Lord has blessed me so much these past few days (well, He always blesses me, but bare with me a second) and presented me with the most wonderufl gift of TIME!

You know those times when you don't want to help somebody else because you "don't have time"? That is how I've felt the past few days. Yet, when I helped others, I had more time! Hmm, so let's do a little math, Lack of time + serving anyway = more time!! I pick serving anyway! It wasn't even a big service thing. It would be something as simple as: helping somebody carry something to a class, opening a door and holding it for them, giving them directions, showing people where they should go, etc. Those 30 seconds multiplied and I recieved that time back 7 fold! I had time to do homework, eat, and even sleep! It was incredible!

Today has been very similar to yesterday, busy, busy, busy! In the best sense! I had 7:45 class and I've been on the constant go since then! I have the greatest tender mercy in the world! I was feeling a little stressed out earlier; I hadn't eaten since about six this morning (and this was about 5:30), I sang in devotional (which I'll talk about in a second), and I am very tired! As I was walking home to go grab some lunch/dinner I looked up at the stadium; this is what I saw:

How great is that? When I was feeling down, the Lord gives me a GIANT SMILE! I thought it was very cool!

So Devotional, the Women's choir sang today and I think we sang really well (considering we've only had the piece for about two days). We sang "Rejoice the Lord is King". That is an amazing song! The third verse has to be my favorite: "His kingdom cannot fail; He rules o'er earth and heaven. The keys of death and hell to Christ the Lord are given." God's work cannot fail; what comfort that gives me! Even at times when you watch the news and it feels like only bad things are happening, remember that God's kingdom cannot fail. It isn't even that we will not; we cannot.